& ATI i34 Competition

image: kEVaFBvaFor those of you that don’t know, a social network for gamers has just opened its doors! It is a community site for gamers, where you can show off your social skills, share your photos and tag other gamers, create random groups around gaming (remenis about old CoD games), set up your team, troll on blogs, or simply stalk your favourite gamer (girl?), it’s excellent for event reunions and galleries (such as the ETAP HOTEL brigade from ESWC 08!).

The site, which was designed with the help of the Fnatic team, and some randoms has just opened its doors to the world after a 5 month closed beta. Thousands of gamers have signed up and so far the community seems to like what’s on offer. There are profiles, teams, guilds, galleries and blogs popping up all over the site, which are linked in to the individual user. The games system is also pretty sophisticated with over 1000 titles (more in the pipeline), with the ultimate goal to become the equivalent of IMDB for the gaming world. Have a look at the World of Warcraft ( page for an idea of where its heading. Also if you wanted to find some other gamers who play CoD4 on the site, that's easy to do here. In the future there are plans to incorporate videos, files, galleries and countless other features to this system as well.

To Celebrate the launch UGAME is running a competition for the attendees at i34 or for you posh people, the M-Festival! So, are you going to Multiplay’s i34 in Coventry on the 8th August 2008? Fancy winning some excellent prizes from ATI? If so, then you could be in for a chance in UGAME’s ( ) & ATI’s I34 competition.

There are over 2000 people attending i34, so the competition will be stiff but we’re confident that if you put the effort in, you will become the proud owner of one of five brand new ATI RADEON HD 3850’s!

We’re running 5 different competitions through the UGAME site, all of which revolve around the i34 group here . They include:

1. Highest overall, individual score in the CS:S group stages
2. Highest overall, individual score in the COD4 group stages
3. Who can take and upload the most amount of photos from i34
4. Most Valuable Player for CSS at i34
5. Most Valuable Player for COD 4

For more information about the competition check out the UGAME Blog here.
I am quite sure ATi brand is dead.
as if any1 would need another web2.0

facebook is already 2 much
Ugame rawks :)
Total Users 77,380

DON'T SIGNUP. It's a conspiration :D.
image: conspirationos8
hahah :LDD
Whahahaha :D
Will the big teams try to game the highest individual score by feeding all their kills to one player in the games against lesser opponents? Hell, once they're sure to progress from their group they could even deliberately lose rounds in order for that chosen player to have time to rack up more frags...

It'd be like in snooker where people go for harder shots when they have the chance at a 147 (or a high break in the tournament).
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