QuakeCon Wolfenstein updates

The last couple of days some interesting nuggets of information about the next installment(s) of Wolfenstein have slipped into the web from QuakeCon. First of all a designer from Raven says that "you're gonna get a solid multiplayer experience". He talks warmly about the Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer and says the known features from RtCW MP will be there and then have the concept of the "veil" added (the veil being some kind of paranormal power). Watch it all in the video below:

Interview with Creative Director Eric Biessman at gametrailers.com (HD)

John Carmack held his keynote speech yesterday and mentioned that id might look into relaunching Enemy Territory as a webbased game in style with Quake Live.
QuoteWe have said that if Quake Live is very successful the next thing we might look at [for a Quake Live-style game] is Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, which was always a more popular online game with more players than Quake Arena was, but it's hard to see how we do the same treatment with it. Like, you're running around fighting the Nazis and there's a billboard for Intel or something...

Eurogamer has made a nice writeup of the keynote here

Furthermore a new trailer for Wolfenstein has been released. It still does not show all that much but at least it contains 1 second or so, of supposedly actual ingame first person footage.

Wolfenstein extended trailer at gametrailers.com (HD)
The 1 second "shoot-from-the-hip" video
(If the video wont start, try later, its gamevee that is slow)

Press << buttom in video to replay/restart

image: 24_t2
Complete Wolf gallery: http://www.et-quakewars.se/photogallery.php
Some pics thanks to jeje
"As far as release dates, it's when it's done."

That doesn't sound too promising to me, but i guess now that we're getting talk, trailers etc., atleast we know it's coming sooner than later.
tbh this isn't really much to worry about.

obviously the game has an internal date for going gold+shipping etc, they just don't want to have to deal with explaining the delays that will happen.

the amount of times that et:qw got pushed back was silly.

it's a lot easier to simply say "when it's done" and then announce the going gold date when you are less than a month from it.
Quote...known features from RtCW MP will be there...


Quote...the "veil" added (the veil being some kind of paranormal power)

dont like it :x
veil :|
added magical powers? gonna be even more fail than what i thought initially
don't care about the powers as i dont care about the sp. they couldn't possibly put powers in the mp, and all i care about is the mp
Read again, or watch again, he clearly says that the veil will be in mp. I don't know whether to like it or not. It could be great, it could be shit, it could be disableable(?) or whatever, too early to judge it I think.
idd. ill wait for a beta release or smth to see if the game itself is nice or not. These kind of vid's mainly show how the graphics are gonna be and thats about it. But i am glad to see that the old mp stuff is gonna be in it.
People should remember that this 'veil' is very likely to be removed from MP if it's as overpowered as it sounds...chill out a bit.
as in a promod?
Possibly ye, but it could easily have a config system to remove it i guess.
Ya, since it's only a binding for a key you could always disable it. As long as the maps aren't built around that ability somehow.
Im sure a competent MOD team will remove the "veil" for the sake of competitive purposes i.e. creating mods like ETpub and ETpro.
you haven't even seen how it works in the multiplayer yet? :D

I get a good feeling from the sound and feel in that tiny clip in first person.
yep had the same feeling. I think it'll be ok, but just in a need of some mod.
who cares about that veil thing

we all remember the panzer in RTCW

its still there
Is that ww2 weapon. :)
this is what im waiting for
hopefully it will be just as good as ET:QW is by modern standarts
i know you never played etqwpro :|
No mod can turn a shit game into a competitive top game that has been in development for around 3/4 years.
ure just biased
I was waiting for someone to make my day, you just did, thanks sir.
im reallly glad :D
epic fail my friend, now i'm 100% sure you never played it. how can you dislike game that you never played?
I played ETQW some months, i tested ETQWPRO for a week, and i ended up uninstalling both.

No clue who you are, so i'm not sure if we have ever played eachother, it's not like i will spend my time making you understand how a competition game has to be to be successfull, you can find it out by yourself, check the endless amount of upcoming lans, the prizes and the top teams and then you will notice how a "supposed" competition game has to be to turn into a noob friendly unplayable FAIL.

Have a good evening.
etqw is under rated because ppl played vanilla, not promod. and even if you played promod, you played it competitively? 4v4? 6v6?
Couldn't, no competitions at all.
its summer and hosted summer cups are running (4v4, 6v6), one 6v6 competition with server prize will be soon, and one competition with cash prize will be soon too. there have benn mor elike it + euro cup, so game isn't dead, and can be played competitively. im doing it and its really good (btw im ex et, and warsow player)
pistols amigo?, if so, i can't really understand your defensive comments when talking about etqw, you should have notice the HUGE difference between both games and their competitive side, won't keep discussing something that's obvious mate, competitions where you can win a server aren't competitions at all.
Just as good? :-x Omgz
i seriously dont hope it will be as "good" as qw.
Why not? ET:QW does what it does and it does it great. Some design choices were made which many W:ET players / BF2 players / whatever game players do not fancy, however the game is still a very solid experience which offers a lot of game play possibilities and is of high quality. If the same amount of effort is put into RTCW2, but the game design decisions favor old RTCW / W:ET players more than ET:QW did, then you will have a great game.
I still don't get why there is a flying strogg in there :-/
(the veil being some kind of paranormal power) hope its something like COD4 auto heal
still not enough to make a judgement, hope is all we've got to get us to kickoff
i hope OSP makes a mod
With respect to the veil, I'm sure SP Veil != MP Veil. You cannot make bullet time in MP, it would screw everthing up, and they know that. I would guess veil in MP will enhance your abilities already. EG, medic gets 100% revive or 2/3 X health regen. The important thing is that the main gameplay is there:

ROF/bullet spread
crosshair rather than ironsight and scoping
class based
good maps

Keep in mind, its rather easy, as a league, to outlaw veil or turn off a cvar or something, not quite as easy to do as alter the gravity environment, physics, or aiming system.

Keep the hopes alive
Good points.
The "veil" would be like introducing a new item/weapon like the rifle in ET, which didnt exist in rtcw.

I think it's pretty ovbious that it will be removed in case that it's overpowered, we had the same with etqw, some vehicles were just "lol" for competition, and they were removed even before the release of etqwpro.
FEAR had bullet time, afaik you had to pick up an item which you could use to delay time for everyone on the server, which lasted for like 10 seconds of "real world time", and after that the item had to recharge for a minute or so.
nice HL2 with RTCW Skin
who cares about supernatural power in a game where you can instant revive a mate and jump around like a bunny

gameplay is all about.
have to agree with u :D
with one leg :P
I wouldn't mind ingame ads as long as they help gaining support from the developers. I don't care too much about the WW2 setting anyway
when he shoots 2 peolple it looks like frostbite when you pass true service door hehe nice looks a it like cod 2 tbh but nice
OMFG!!!! what videocard should i get;ooooo my geforce6800 wont pull it:!:!:!:D:D::X::X:!!
GeForce 10800 GTX
It should, at low settings, since it can do Doom 3 pretty well.
i can't wait to play a proper mp_fps again...
I played demo and it is sux. No wait it was etqw. Sry, all these scifi games seems to me the same... :D
everyone start playing rtcw until the game comes out - quickly!
i will send you a copy from austria then ^^ :)
so far so good..
I see that all the oldskool players are here hope to see u at rtcw2 :PP:
"SIMULTANEOUS release on xbox, pc and ps3." No delays for pc port!
"SK Gaming asked whether they could try to build a game from the multiplayer up the same way StarCraft 2 is being built and Carmack said that they tried it with Enemy Territory and it did not work out for them."
Interesting, I never thought about ET's development as being comparable to StarCraft 2's, but I guess in some way it makes sense.
when carmack says enemy territory, he means etqw.
when he says wolfenstein enemy territory, then he means et:p

and ofc it didn't work out for them. all those testing players of etqw were asking the developers to remove vehicles which they didn't do :D and now they are blaming the gamers bcoz the game stinks? haha

(i somewhat understand them. there were many trailers already and the main concept was vehicles, ofc they would fuck it up for casual gamers, who were expecting vehicles bcoz they have seen the trailers etc. but still, saying it didn't work out.... ofc it didn't when they didn't listen to the players............)
Valid point ;)
As far as I know, W:ET was supposed to be a stand alone game first with both an SP (with co-op) and an MP (with bot support), then an expansion pack, and then it got released for free :P

Too bad, it might have been even more awesome if it had Co-op and MP with bots out of the box.
anyway, if rtcw2 sucks, then let's just all go and play "ET Live" \o/ :>
i think it will be a nice approach. many ppl will still play it (those who have crap computers sure will....) and i think we can expect new maps n stuff, will be a lot of fun i hope
So according to the trailer they WILL have vehicles after all, atleast the "Icarus" thingy. And seems it will have rockets instead of grenades, woot.
And judging by that 1 second of 1st person shooting, mp40 has no recoil, so its nice.
Doesn't mean that this jet pack will be used in MP.
i thought i read somewhere before that if the game would be released that it would be modified and that those symbols would be removed etc ?? cant remember were i saw read it. It might have been the post with the screenshots ill check
Since Activision already sent a spacial 'German' screenshot package with no swastika to German wolf communities for news posting, I'd believe they'll also build a German only version of the game or at least a version without nazi symbols.
Hope for you that you will be able to play online with "normal" players as well, afaik that was not possible in doom 3 or Quake 4.
It wasn't? Don't know though.
"Like, you're running around fighting the Nazis and there's a billboard for Intel or something..."

Creativity really isn't their strong point.
It will be interesting to see how games change just because of the advertisement devs want to put into them :) Kinda like TV shows which build up to a climax ever 10 minutes just before the advertisement or stories written for newspapers which have a cliffhanger at the end of every page :)
maybe id software needs another grand failure before they notice they can't produce a game where the concept shits on all the fans of the older games in the series and then expect that it will be a topseller. i am actually asking myself why they didn't employ gray matter/nerve software with the coding of the game when it worked out for them the last time and let raven program on singularity. (no, the money they gain from one game is not enough! greedy bastards)
i just hate that raven fucks up game after game.
Many things are stolen directly from doom3

corpses flying behind corners like carried by a invisible force, blood on walls and floor, pentacles... bullshits...

the veil in mp... is that really needed? we want old, SIMPLE rtcw feeling. Is that so hard to be understood?

Please for the new failboat, this way!

lets wait for rage..
that will have a multiplayer build for co-op:D hf with that
then i'll quit definitely ;)

i am too old anyways lol
theres always the next doom(4)
add veil powers to MP
release game
Like others mentioned, the veil might just be there to explain the numerous unrealistic elements of the game, like strafe - jumping ("these supersoldiers can bend the laws of physics to a certain amount") and the 3 headshots = kill - thing ("these supersoldiers are at least three times as though as normal ones"). The super - natural weapons might just replace some of the conventional ones without changing the gameplay (tesla for flame thrower for example). The Venom gun from RtCW is also a purely fictional weapon, since gatling guns as infantry weapons have never existed, nor will they ever exist.
Are they REALLY that retarded? Isn't there a single person in that company that can lead them in the right direction. AKA listen to the ET community since ET Is their most popular/played game and make ET2 or RTCW2 if you like. Who the fuck keeps coming up with SUPER POWERS in MP and shit. He obviously watches too many movies. Like QW wasn't a big failure...
Doom 3 sold 3 million copies, W:ET sold none.
W:ET was free. It was/is impossible to sell copies..
True, so that means they would need to take a risk to make a game for the W:ET community, because they have no statistics saying how many people would buy the game.
quakeworld is nice
/seta b_veil 0
/seta b_otherstupidshit 0
b_ = bani.
won't happen
Hopefully this will turn out to be the exact opposite of what happened with Quake Wars: No hype and low expectations, but then a perfect game appears and everybody is pleasantly surprised. That they call it "Wolfenstein" indicates that they are planning to make the ultimate Wolfenstein - game, hopefully their vision of the multiplayer is based on RtCW/W:ET...
I think you people going crazy mad over the veil are overreacting quite a bit. Maybe you consider yourself some kind of rtcw/et purists or something, but you have no idea what the veil is yet, or if it will a good and fun addition. RtCW and ET aren't really realistic at all, only the setting somewhat. Also as many have stated, if the gameplay isn't centered around it, it will be easy to remove.
Be pessimistic. If the game is good, great, if not, you won't be disappointed.
U people are hating the veil before u've even tried it. Ofcourse they'll fuckin balance it for multiplayer. If its not good then remove it but lets give it a try before. It might set it appart from all the other 99999 WW2 shooters. If u guys played JK3 u know that superpowers can b rly nice and add a fun twist.

Or maybe u guys just want a rly realistic game like rtcw or wolf3d?
u honestly don't want to compare jk:ja to rtcw? thats a whole lot of different gameplay. the setting in jk3 is different to the wolfenstein setting and the setting of jk3 is set in star wars, which implies supernatural abilities in mp. at least my opinion is, that a game doesn't need special abilities to work. i guess that it will be nice to play on publics for a few hours, but it will be imbalanced for competetative play. the more things you add in mp the harder it gets to balance everything and thats why games its pretty impossible to balance games like etqw without changing the game. thats why some vehicles got disabled and the modders have to lock certain things to a minimun.
Well yeah JK and RtCW ain't exactly the same but they need something to not just be another ww2 shooter and wolfenstein setting includes supernatural stuff. As long as the extra stuff aint gonna be plain annoying (blocking doors with veichles in etqw etc) it might be interesting. If u actually want a balanced game u could go play TDM on mirrored maps. Som rtcw maps rly sucked while others (beach) where genious.

Tbh i dunno what im talking about but let's give the veil a chance. My expectations are low since SD ppl is developing the multiplayer but maybe they learned from their mistakes.
As people above pointed out, the veil thingy will be removed anyway, and i hope then we have a nice game! Waiting for a new pc & a beta!!
Along the same lines as the last few comments (<3 ankel), I find it hilarious that the only thing mentioned that's "new" about the game immediately has the entire community frothing at the mouth, taking up arms and preparing to march on iD Software HQ.

The 'veil' will go one of three ways - either it'll be an awesome new feature, and will be kept; or it'll be a relatively useless feature (similar to the flamethrower or venom); or it'll simply be removed by a competetive mod. My only concern is that people might not give it a chance and will clamour to remove it whether it's detrimental to the gameplay or not...
"Online multiplayer is being developed in the same vein as in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which inspired the more recent Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Expect class-based, team-based gameplay as opposing forces do battle over control points. Only this time, you will be able to play with a whole lot of Black Sun-powered weaponry, supernatural abilities, and the veil itself."

gamespot.com preview
Ok so there will be weird weapons, I can live with that. I wonder what supernatural abilities means.
Let's just hope they don't get inspired into adding loads of overpowered vehicles :)
powerful and weird weapons?

and where is supposed to be the "rtcw.mp" part?

I don't recognize the old rtcw in this new thingy
I suppose that's your own little problem.
Reminds me a lot of Bioshock..Which is a good thing :P
I think that it is not that hard to predict what supernatural abilities mean.
Havoc (physics) engine + supernatural weapons = weapons that make stuff fly.
I'm afraid that they want to show of the capabilities of the physics engine and go over the top while doing it.

BTW: I like the Rate of fire from that short clip. That's RTCW style ROF, way better then ET imo. (Meh like!)
Frankly, as more information about Wolfenstein is released, I'm becoming less excited.
I don't know exactly what audience they're catering to, but I feel I'm not part of it. Supernatural elements in a WW2 inspired game in multiplayer mode? I don't think so. Though I have been known to be wrong...from time to time. ;O)
I'm fairly certain they're catering to exactly the same market as RtCW catered to - the average FPS gamer of the sort who bought and played RtCW. You have to remember that for most people who bought the game, RtCW was a singleplayer game. SP RtCW had countless supernatural elements - most players would say that the supernatural is an integral part of the Wolfenstein franchise. Not including it in the MP would be seen as a bit weird...
Perhaps you're right. But by the same token it was kind of weird not to include the paranormal elements in the RTCW multiplayer mode then. Which wasn't done, just as it wasn't included in Enemy Territory.
I for one did not purchase RTCW for the single player component, though I did enjoy it very much (apart from the levels including skeletons and all that), but rather after having played the mp_beach demo release.

I began my online gaming with Quakeworld, and at heart I'm still an mp kinda guy. It's hard to put into words, but adding supernatural abilities to a first person shooter takes some of the arena feeling out of it. It's almost like cheeting in a duel, although it's perfectly permitted by the rules.
On the other hand, there are lots of FPS-like online games including what might be considered as supernatural abilities, and it works for them. One might even argue that the runes included in certain Quakeworld game modes was a supernatural addition. And I liked the runes....

...so I'm not quite sure what point I'm trying to argue for here. :OD

Oh well, if we live to see we'll know what the game will be like.

cheers. :O)
I was surprised by the lack of supernatural in the MP, I first played it MP, I think, but 1v1 on my friend's LAN, so the MP didn't seem anything special to me.
hope they release wtv(?) and sdk from the start
I'd say very unlikely and highly probable, respectively.
you overvalue too much the idiots that work for activison :)

don't hope... you will be deceived
i was thinkin something... quake 3 has superpowers too

what if they call "veil" the quake 3 style?

death matches would be fun :)
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