Warleagues update #1

With Warleagues starting its campaign before its main rival, ClanBase, the hype and talk surrounding the new season was all too evident to see on Crossfire and the other community sites, with much speculation given over to predictions and opinions on the various cosmetic changes that had taken place. That was before, this is now, and so without the aid of images (coming soon!), we take a guided tour around the competition to see just how events have been unfolding.

Dropouts have been a major talking point, as they always have been in WL, but fortunately the top leagues have been only slightly affected this time around - Azure Fate, the team to pull out of the running before a single bullet had been fired.

On the contrary, clans who might otherwise have been predicted mid table obscurity (like Charlton Athletic) or inactivity woes have flourished, clans like the supposed 2 week clan #stfu, who recently merged with cdap to become a strong contender for EuroCup domination. And what about SoF, who many had cast aside as inactive and past their sell-by-date. Not only have they put in some convincing performances, they have also done so without dropping a game. The divide grows ever wider between the top and the not, and common bedroom names such as Vagrants and recently EC released dfiance languishing down in the nether regions of top-flight ET.

There must be something more interesting to talk about than the positions, and thankfully there is, served up in a dollop of European controversy. During the angeldust vs. sFx Muse match, it was discovered that -shockhorror! angeldust were using a merc due to being short of player numbers... just what is thay Toxicboyo like?
The story goes that aD told sFx before the game, who then agreed to play. However pending sFx's subsquent loss, a complaint was filed by the muse team regarding the situation. aD player addict gave his thoughts on the matter:
"They knew it from the beginning i guess, but they kept playing". Well, quite.

And all this frenzy has been making the premier division look like a sleeping volcano - promising much, but never telling us when its going to wake up. Only two games have been played as of yet, with the other sFx team EVIL losing over three maps to perhaps one of the most underrated teams in ET's history, Polewka, and the European clanhoppers incorporated xtraZone overcoming a strong challenge from the lovely tank34 Ruskies. However, the division explodes in a furore of activity come May 1st, with several highly interesting games to come, including:
Quote[/i]Germany vae vs Estonia sYnc
Europe rewind vs Europe helix
Europe xZone, vs Poland ¦:P¦
Europe HighBot vs Germany BETA
Finland sFx EVIL vs Netherlands artificial

Stay tuned to Warleagues.com to hear of all the upcoming developments.
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