1-Day 6on6 ET-Cup Today!

Today, another ET-Cup 1-Day 6on6 Cup is going to start! We received alot of signups already, but if you haven't checked anything or if you didn't know about this cup yet - You can still signup on the site! I hope it will be a great event, this cup is covered by both ETTV and Shoutcast so don't bother and tune in to John - the new shoutcaster!

The last 1-Day Cup by ET-Cup was on 19 February, there were 2 divisions and 2 winners! Germany Team-BETA won the final match in the First division - Finland The Syndicate did the same, but in the Second division. Both clans participating today again, I hope they'll checkin on time and show us a great performance again! - In the last ET-Cup #9, we could see that the EuroCup finals Estonia idle.ee won the final against Spain Azure Fate - This cup was a hell of an event and I hope we'll do it again today!

Cup has been played! Winner is here!

1st place:
Europe Team-Helix - #hx - www.Team-Helix.org
2nd place:
Benelux inFlux Gaming - #iLx
3rd place:
Croatia elite.clan - #elite.clan


Head-admin: Netherlands NxM
Co-admin: Finland Insu
Clans: 32
Players: 6on6

- Signups are still open till 14.15CET!
- All clans signed up have to CHECKIN by pming ET-Cup|NxM111 on #ET-Cup between 14.15CET and 14.45CET - The first 32 clans checking in are participating - the others will be backup teams.
- Teams are playing 1 map (2 sw rounds) a round.
- Every round 1 match on ETTV.
- Using the normal daily rules like on CB - Cointoss for side and play.
- We're using ETPro 3.2.5 on ET 2.60 and the old OR new config.
- You're allowed to use mercs IF needed.

Times and Maps:
15:00 CET - Round 1 - Frostbite
16:00 CET - Round 2 - Braundorf_b4
17:00 CET - Round 3 - Adlernest_b7c
19:30 CET - Semifinal - supplydepot2 / sw_goldrush_te
21:00 CET - Final - Frostbite / Braundorf_b4

ETTV Schedule is the same as above - There might be some delay if there is no team on ETTV when they suppose to be there, but there WILL be matches on ETTV - Even every round!

Additional links:
- Teams signed up / Checked in
- Grid

For any questions regarding to this cup, message ET-Cup|NxM111 on IRC!

Get a hot beer and some cold food and tune in to the Shoutcast of today and connect to the ETTV to see a part of this cup LIVE!

Website | IRC
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