Dignitas release CoD4 squad

image: small_fullcolor-headAs of today the long lasting rumours which had been influencing nearly everyone their thoughts about the dignitas CoD4 squad have been confirmed, as the management has decided to release the team from their organisation.

This move by the management is most likely no surprise for the ones who have actively followed the Call of Duty 4 scene as Dignitas were not able to perform on, and retain their old level they once reached back in the time of CoD2.

The team's performance have gone into a downwards spiral this interesting summer season with 3 major LANs offering major prizepurse, though the team wasn't able to achieve any top 3 placing at both the Antwerp eSports Festival and the Experience, nor i34 where they were defending champions.

Because of the lack of results, the chemistry within the team reached a low level, causing internal affairs. Blackmane was mainly being the one who suffered the most by these affairs, with Mick not picking him up at the i34 LAN, and the incident with SKO earlier before.

Dignitas has however said not to have lost their interest in the CoD4 scene as they told on their website they are going to announce a new CoD4 team this weekend. On this matter rumours have also struck down upon the community as the team would most likely be UK based, and Mick and raz are said to become a part of that roster.

To see whether these rumours will be confirmed is only to be answered by waiting for this weekends announcement at the team's website.

oO poor dignitas :/
I still find it a bit strange why they would release their squad, then to take in three of the old members, as the rumours has it... why not just do like fnatic did?
A fresh start? No idea, it's weird to me as well.
one word: publicity
Aye, it is the only reason I could come up with, if indeed the rumours are correct.
They will get back a full uk lineup : Mick Soclon Lookzor raz & blackmane .
[As far as I know] ;P
GL, pwn them 8]
L3 for dignitas imo, or mym
i hope shoes won't start cod4 or he will steal dignitas's name too :<
SK, MYM, 2 players of fnatic and now dignitas, looks promising :(

Let's play CS 1.6 for another 10 years...
It's just a periode, some of those teams will pick up new squads. I'm quite sure.
Just to realize that it is impossible in CoD4 to stay on top for more than a few weeks?

Atleast MYM, SK, fnatic and dignitas are great examples for that.

EG seems to be the only team that delivered good scores on all of their attended events.
Well, it is just a matter of demanding higher dedication from the teams then.

Also if you take a look at the top8 clans at the previous 3-5 LANS, it is mostly the same teams. Granted the two NA teams took the top3 in some of those, but I think it shows that ther competition in CoD4 is extremely tight. I for one would hate to see one-three team dominating everything.
And L3 and KomaCrew, and Pandemic
pandemic? LLL had 2 consistent events after a small bootcamp between aef and TeX.
This is so bullshit. Front page news?

Why not wait till the lineup is posted, then make a news? I wasn't aware Crossfire gave free advertising these days.
it's big news in the cod scene and crossfire is all about cod, didn't you know?
imagine if every mgc said "hay guise we might get a new squad this weekend" :<
luckily every mgc isn't dutch
You are bullshit. Everything I seem to do is wrong in your eyes, get the fuck out.
Ok, firstly I don't even know who you are, so how can I think everything you do is wrong?

Secondly, my whine is about this being made to front page news... there isn't even any news here... the lineup hasn't even been announced ;_;
You do know who I am, you whined about me posting a forum post named "Job openings" and you jumped up as quick as you could to tell me it wasn't a job blabla you all knew it better than i did n stuff, till foonr or smth proved you wrong and you kept on whining.

there is news here, dignitas removed the lineup. thats news worthy and i told people there will shortly be a new announcement. hell sure people didn't know that yet so it came as news for them.

Anything else you would like to whine about? Be my guest.
As I said my whine is not with you, it is with the admin that promoted this to frontpage news.
cod = dying :)
haha, you're funny.
the fact is that CoD4 is the most crappy game in the series, and thats why so many clans are having lineup problems.


were seeing a new CoD in november, while CoD4 hasn't been released for a year. And they are already talking about releasing CoD6 in 2009. Now that must give a bug thumper on all those CoD players.

I'm happy enough that I've seen how much of a flaw CoD4 is just a month after its release.

(though i can't find a new game that reaches the same level as CoD2 did for me :( )
cod2 was good but coduo and cod where the bomb
Not that unexpected tbh. Their defensive gameplay was shit to look at anyway, was bound to fail.

Still, the game is too lotto to have a stabile top, so I don't see the next dignitas squad staying on top for long, if they get there in the first place.
All the guys who did got released will form a new team anyways with the other guys, isn't that hard as more then 6 players got released in those 2/3 days. Anyways, its just attention, why should they drop a whole team? Not everyone in it is bad, in the most cases its 1 player who fucks-ups the atmosphere or who's doing something wrong. You could deal with that!
Yeah, lets deal it.
COD4 is dying!

No more mappacks or updates for COD4

Still is the biggest game around at this moment :( with all the money invested in it lans etc :D
yeah hopefully ET will win,

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