fnatic finalize roster.

After removing team captain Sweden mintR and Sweden zEm last Tuesday following a dissapointing performance at the Multiplay i34, fnatic has revealed its finalized roster and officially presented two new additions.

Joining the team is the Swedish sniper player Sweden rivve, who recently impressed at The Experience with his team Begrip Gaming. rivve already played together with odyxz, tidde and zsilts in EYEBALLERS before the team switched to fnatic, but eventually decided to leave the team due to pc problems.

With rivve joining the team, fnatic has finalized its roster with yet another familiar face: Sweden zsilts, who left the team back in April stating he lacked the motivation to play the game.

Sweden tidde
Sweden odyxz
Sweden zsilts
Sweden rivve

Statement from tidde
Quote"As you all know by now we are bringing some old and new blood to the team! zsilts who was a key player in Fnatic before he left us is now motivated to 100% and is ready to once again amaze everyone as one of our SMG players. He is really good with coming up with new tactics and new stop nades.

Also rivve who played for Begrip is a legend in the Call of Duty series as he has been one of the best since COD1. He will bring a lot of experience to the team and he will be the one to take the sniper. I'm confident that this team will perform very well. We are looking forward to the next event when we can show everyone the new Fnatic Call of Duty 4 team."

Statement from rivve
Quote"At the beginning of cod4 I left eyeballers(Fnatic) because of my bad computer. Since then my main goal was to get back up and prove to them that I had what it takes to be in the team. Now I have accomplished that and I feel better than ever. I'm very happy to be joining up with Fnatic and the team once again. We have all played with each other before and It feels great! I also want to thank begrip for the time we had. Great bunch of lads <3 Will miss you"

Statement from zsilts
Quote"I'm really excited to be back in fnatic and back with tidde and odyx. I've played with rivve in cod2 and he was awesome and what i've seen in cod4 he's going to do alot of crazy frags. From what I've seen of LINQAN he is OK! =p I'm looking forward to showing what we can do at the next lan
Dignitas 's improvement was way better.
Not sure mate, zsilts was actually better then some dignitas smgs before going in rehab :D
yea , thats only 5 years ago.
no wnkr no win anyway!

gl tidde zsilts
Morg and I were due to join this team as you all know, but unfortunately it just didnt work out Tidde just couldnt handle it. No hard feelings to the rest of the team.
nice read vajparN ;D
verveling? :XDD
removing mintr can't be good but gl anyway
not as good as he once was imo
dunno about his aim.. haven't specced him recently, but he is a really smart guy anyway
Hes still got it, there was a game on Crash at TEX where he was so good he could have been hacking, but over the three weeks he just couldnt find that form often enough for whatever reason.
It will be interesting to see if they can reach the level that fnatic had in the beginning of this year.
zsilts is always great to watch in cod4 ^-^
expected move tbh
wow what a roster, amazing
can i join fnatic as backup? i am high
apply at their forums >:D
what are forums?
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