BoB 3 Is Here!

United States of America TeamWarfare League is pleased to present Battle of the Beach III, a Return to Castle Wolfenstein tournament. This event marks an epic return to the RtCW community by many familiar players and provides a great opportunity to those who have stuck it out, continuing to compete in one of the most successful team-based on-line games.

[*] Sign-ups begin today, May 2nd, 2006 at 6:00PM Eastern
[*] Sign-ups end on Saturday, May 6th, 2006 at 11:59PM Eastern (rosters lock)
[*] The tournament will begin on May 8th, 2006 at 9:00PM Eastern

Tournament Sign-Up Procedure:

The first 32 teams to complete the following will be accepted into the tournament after review and approval by designated TeamWarfare League tournament staff:

1. Assemble at least 6 and no more than 8 members with active TeamWarfare player accounts, as follows:

[*] Valid RtCW GUID / Anti-Smurf In Game Identifier on file
[*] Account status of "Active"
[*] Valid, working e-mail address on file

2. Join team to tournament and add at least 6 team members to roster

[*] The tournament is invite only and each team will need to be approved. In joining the tournament, the team founder is applying for entry into the tournament.
[*] Identify at least 1 captain, 2 maximum. If the founder will also serve as a team captain, then only 1 additional captain may be designated on the roster.

3. The primary captain designated by the team needs to complete and submit the on-line form, located here

[*] The form must specify correctly at least 6 team members and at least 1 captain (the submitter). Teams with less than 8 (but at least 6) members will be allowed to add additional players by use of a supplemental form, located here.
[*] On submitting this form, a date/time stamp will provide the administrators with a means of tracking the first 32 teams eligible for entry into this tournament. Submissions that are not complete or do not contain the correct information will be invalidated.

Player Requirements:

[*] Must maintain a valid and active player profile throughout the tournament with TeamWarfare League
[*] Must have on the TeamWarfare League player profile a valid Return to Castle Wolfenstein GUID / Anti-Smurf In Game Identifier
[*] Must be on and remain on the tournament roster of the team they have joined
[*] On reaching the quarter-final round, individual players will be required to submit additional information to the tournament staff, using this form here. This submission will be required to maintain eligibility in this tournament. Additional information be provided to players and teams reaching the quarter-final round. Individuals submitting this form prior to reaching the semi-final round may be denied eligibility in this tournament.

Match Servers:

Trinity Games is a richly appreciated sponsor of the Battle on the Beach III Tournament. They are providing servers located in Dallas, Texas and New York City, New York. Servers will be assigned to specific matches after consultation by tournament staff with team captains.

Tournament Structure:

The teams competing in this tournament will be seeded and divided into four divisions, named: North, South, East, and West. The division names will have no bearing on the geographic location of individual teams or players. The seeding method will be purely random, the procedure will be openly described and by some means presented to the tournament community.

Maps: - The following maps will be used for the designated rounds in this tournament

[*] Round 1 - Ice (16 tournament matches)
[*] Round 2 - Base (8 tournament matches)
[*] Round 3 - Village (4 tournament matches, quarter-finals)
[*] Round 4 - Assault (2 tournament matches, semi-finals)
[*] Round 5 - Beach (final, championship tournament match)


All tournament matches are being made available for shoutcasting. As one of our tournament's sponsors, Radio iTG will be providing not only shoutcasting commentary of tournament matches but also interviews with numerous members of the greater Return to Castle Wolfenstein community and even those responsible for the development and success of the game title we know so well. Stay tuned for details and schedules.


All tournament matches are being made available for WolfTV broadcast and WolfTV demo broadcast. Stay tuned for additional information and schedules.


The United States of America TeamWarfare League's marketing department administration as well as members at various levels within the competition staff have been working to provide great prizes for both the tournament champions and (at least) the runners-up. We're not ready just yet to announce who's contributed what and what items specifically will go to whom, so stay tuned for developments and announcements on this topic.

Special Thanks:

TeamWarfare League and the Battle of the Beach III Tournament staff and administration wishes to extend special appreciation to Hollywood, Trinity Games, id Software, Radio iTG, Wippuh & BlackJudas for Planet-RTCW, PissClams and WolfTV, and also to both the persevering and returning members of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein community.

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