ETQW(Pub)Pro 0.7

Hi there,

Ive been working some time now on this release, while the changelog seems short, this is one of the bigger updates.

The ranked server protocol changed and saves lots of traffic now.
Stats can not be overwritten anymore.

Ingame Live Stats have been added, you can toggle them with
a binding similar to bind "key" "_stats". Those stats get update each "x" settings (changeable by serveradmins and defaulted to 20 seconds)

Here is the changelog and the download Link. Installer -- Zip Folder

* Added es_allowStroyUpDown. Allows serveradmins to disable stroyup / down (serverside)
* Reworked the whole ranked system. Less traffic (no ingame stats requests anymore)
* No combined stats anymore.
* Added new stat value Total Headshots
* Added live stats (gets refreshed every 20 seconds), use _stats to display them
* Stats are now also on Ranked servers available
* Added ec_endgameStats - show endgame stats in the console (end of round)
* Added es_vanillaMode - disables all ETQWPro vehicle limits / weapon spread / script objects / weapon limits / etc
* Live Stats in the gui (current accuracy, shots hit, kills ... etc etc) (bind x _stats)
* By default, all ETQWPro cvars are set to vanilla values!
* Added important people, people that helped in any way, to the credits
* Added sniper weapons to the stats page (if you miss a weapon, let me know)
* Added es_satsSyncDelay (serverside) Delay in seconds between a server -> client stats sync (this is for the livestats)
* Added es_sprintstyle 3, allows to shoot while sprinting
awesome !
Wish I could say that these changes makes me want to play this game. ;c
thx for deleting my reply.
my comment got deleted..
It's a shame ! :< Admin abuse...
If you actively work against a game on Crossfire, I'll actively delete your shit.
I'm not working against, I just give my opinion. Why didn't you delete all post "ET is dead" when ppl wrote it in some previous thread ? => Here is an exemple =)
good job
please some1 gief me a normal etqw cfg D:
Too bad I uninstalled ETQW this week :]
dont write such bad things could cause u warning points!!!
This update will revive ETQW!
any active qw pro public w/o vehicles in europe?

If yes, i might instal it back ...
yes, there are some active propubs, you can vot eif oyu want 4v4 or 6v6 cfg, in 4v4 game is similar to et, and with 6v6 there are vehicles and shit but limited, so its good anyway. many ppl are only saying "etqw is shit" but they never tried playing it with promod competitively :|
give me some ips for 'active' pro pubs :)
ok, they are active always at evening hours: - ETQWPro Pub Ranked v0.7 connect; - ETQWPro Pub #2 Ranked v0.7 connect;
#Team-Explanation - ETQWPro Pub Ranked v0.7 // Sponsored by connect; ETQWPro Public Ranked FastDL connect;

there is also a 1v1 server with valhalla, i dont have ip near me atm
I haven't played it competitively => just pubbing since beta 2 to qwpro 0.3 i suppose - i didnt have enough time for clan, but was getting extremely pissed off by inaccuracy of main weaps, SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM, heavy feeling, strange hitboxes...

Those above were fixed in promod, but i gave up after week of trying to find some active pub (managed to play 2v2 with some random newb like me against 4Kings guy :X so MUTCH fun to get harrased all the time ...)

So don't tell me i didn't try it/ said qw is shit...
if you played 2v2 with 6v6 rlz.. gg for you :X
omg its so obvious your polish...

My post was mainly about how hard is it to find some qw pro srv :X

and, we played 4v4 rules then, but it doesn't matter @ all :X
"omg its so obvious your polish..."

dont be racist ;d

"My post was mainly about how hard is it to find some qw pro srv :X"

lies, not anymore propub is full/almost full everyday from around 18:00 cet, and ICE Custom maps nirvana server have around 20ppl every sunday and a lot of time even in a weekend
*your comment will be deleted*
its always again funny to see how many ppl actually still care that much to post or to have etqw filter turned on :(
I care, because i've got nothing better to do.
tbh i hated the beta when i tried it, but watching some etqw promod movies it looks pretty nice (excluding infight jumping) :P
was good to jump in start of etqw, not anymore after some patches and mods u get higher spread while jumping.
Thanks for all the effort hannes, great mod
Let it die.
QW is a failure. Noone plays it. why doesnt those comments like "ET is dead" get deleted? It's the same.
U made PLs more unhittable rly thx
Need ET:QW key to play the game now. PMme quick, can offer bangbros pass!!!!1!11!1
looks nice, splash damage should've hired you and the game would've been even better then it allready is.
its guys like u that should work on rtcw2.
Is there any competitive scene left in QW? I'm serious.
Not rly tbh :(
robertos is lame :D there is some competitive clans ->

+some clans not included there, ladders are currently not really active, because summer cup is still live
Urself lame, nub :P

I know you have to train with bots, because it's almost impossible to find any opponents for a pcw! :D (especially 6on6)

Cu in CoD5, Am1go ;D
there is many ppl talking only "this game is dead", but actually they have this game, and know it's good with promod, but they prefer talking shit ;<
true! start playing etqw!
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