#Offi-ET Now in Service

As ET grows older by the day, players naturally come and go, and this will of course affect the competitive side of the game. Over time, clans in search of practice have began to struggle to find opponents worth playing against for various reasons. In an attempt to regain the excitement amongst practice wars, and provide a refreshing experience for those competing, #offi-et is now open, where teams can search for official wars in both ClanBase and ESL ladders, and in multiple formats. Naturally, were teams to arrange their games in advance, gamestv can also be used in order to provide ETTV coverage for the matches, providing entertainment for spectators as well as players.

Players are also reminded now that ClanBase ladder games are often included in the consideration of division placement, therefore teams aiming to reach as high a division as possible should relish the opportunity to boost their team's recognition amongst the ClanBase supervisors.

Formats we will support include the most popular of 6v6 and 3v3, as well as other supported formats such as 1v1, 2v2, and 5v5. Teams may begin searching already, and opponents can be found in #offi-et. Naturally, all levels of skill are welcome, and opponents of a similar skill level will hopefully be found.

Good luck and have fun!
This will be a big failure. Just wait and see!
No harm in giving it a shot!

Players are also reminded now that ClanBase ladder games are often included in the consideration of division placement, therefore teams aiming to reach as high a division as possible should relish the opportunity to boost their team's recognition amongst the ClanBase supervisors.

I think that part should attract a lot of teams also. I know i'm gonna get my team to play some :4
older than the internet. But gl trying this for the #58165 time
Why is Shoes Operator anyway? :S
finally, a good idea.
yes, a perfect idea!
hehe, still waiting for my fame op.
no thanks, won't work
Ofc it won't work if all the clans say "no thx". jesus...
I performed there twice already for a few months, and it was nothing :-)
It won't hurt if when searching for an offi war to ask there also. Why the hate?
I'll idle ok :((((
Good boy :D. Clap Clap. Have a cookie!
What's wrong with 6on6/3on3.et?

erm, someone wanted to become an OP in a new big channel I'm guessing.

let's see if that wish will come true
He is... the first op if we sort the list alphabetically :D.
and the 4th invited to the channel if you sort it that way :D.

Also, replying to my comment and using the reference "he is" is quite special :X
I can only see men ops on the channel :D (I guess I'm complimenting Q... no I'm not a misogynist :P but he's just too quiet to be a woman).
my comment ----------------


your head ---------------
More likely:

Quotemy english ----------------


your head ---------------
sadly still failing :<
I don't get it. What's your point?
still think its unnecessary which is why I can't see it lasting long
I'm not sure you read my comment correctly if you think I'm somehow bashing you :X
huh, youre probably right

so tired
I'm banned there, maybe I can idle at this one :o
how come? :(

I should be able to unban you, which admin banned you and why?
this attempt was made before by #clansonly.wars but didn't bring much change...
shoes op?

no thanks -.-"
it will be hilarius if this works out
fucking firefox add-ons
use Opera, although i think its starting to suck.
Nice idea, hope it works out.
lol shoes op =DD
and ppl said et is dead.
if you compare the activity there was like 2years ago, then you can say that et is dead atm :)
shoes opped, fail incoming
i have to agree
You heard of the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?
"6on6 offi hvserv" > this
useless channel
why dont you talk to the guys from #6on6.et ?

Iam sure they will support your idea

No need for more Warchannels on irc imo
no wai, they are banning ppl when they (mostly a mixed) lose a war :[
nice effort.

totally useless though.
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