Hungary, Poland, Swords Drawn

image: ncplayoffs2

With Hungary Logic having been disallowed from the cup from a recently erected pbban and Poland Poland almost entirely focused on the UGS LAN, this match has been postponed slightly, however tonight will show the game i personally will feel will be the best of the quarter finals. This match will be the final game of the quarters, after Sunday held the clash of the other 6 competing nations (See here for coverage).

Hungary HUNGARY vs POLAND Poland ]
With Hungary coming through the group stages with a win over Australia Australia and Latvia Latvia, we're certain we can play well at their best, but missing Hungary Logic may play a critical role in the outcome of this game. With a forfeit win against Netherlands The Netherlands, one can never be completely sure what the outcome would have been with the Hungarians against a top team, but tonight we shall see them compete again. Poland Poland come well prepared straight out of LAN preparation. After winning against United States of America USA and Slovakia Slovakia, Poland Poland have yet to prove their full potential.

Date and Time: Tuesday 26th August 2008, 21 CET (time open to minor change)

Poland wiesiek
Poland Xanah
Poland krisek
Poland dialer
Poland s4rna
Poland zMk Hungary Nonix
Hungary adze
Hungary Boristen
Hungary varadi
Hungary xrayne
Hungary inf3rno

image: game6399

Prediction: Whilst Hungary have faced stronger opponents than Poland and come out on top, Poland have certainly come from the UGS well prepared. I predict a 4:2 win for Hungary.[/center]

The winner of this game will reach the final four teams of the competition, a success from any angle. Whoever wins will be taking on Finland Finland in what will clearly be a struggle to win. Which team will be more prepared to take on the fins in the coming week? Tune in tonight and see!
It's updated - My prediction is pretty bad, since apparently hungary are missing a lot of key players. GL to all playing though!
Finland Finland will win anyway :{
needs Future and phobeus
They're playin cod4 :S
gl hungary!
does n00n know that they will play today?
anyway pl should win it.
he knows :p
QuoteHi,Can we play on Tuesday, we can't play on Monday because 2 guys are on vacation.
ok. im asking because i though that he is dead after LAN and he could forget :D
Hentai: We are the underdog here, half of our team is not form the main lineup.

Well Poland was in same situation before the NC anyway, so it should be a close game.
GLHF Poland
sebi, tuvok & phobeus are still on cod4 ?
I guess you're right, i kind of based it on results, didn't notice fobje and co. were missing :(
no fobje no win im afraid
WHoooO, I'm still alive ! GoodLuck Hungary keremereshmerenemtudom
I only know nonix =[
varadi, xrayne are playing with 8bits.infinity
adze is from overdose-gaming
boristen played with team-hungary several seasons and inf3rno is an oldschool player , he is the brother of cs4f1 if i remember well but, Varadi xrayne and adze are newschool idd .
inferno = cs4f1's brother ? :o Nice =)
mmh.. Bad LU for Hungary...
Have Fun :))
why does hungary get a second chance and netherlands doesnt... i smell conspiracy
I guess cause Logic got banned for a 1 years old pbban, and wasn't cheating while NC?
nl didnt cheat
nl broke the rules and help nC. Logic "simply" cheated.
So what? And we didn't share our Anti3 clients.
As I've read the problem was that NED could not field a lineup coz of less players available, and if now we would not have enough players because of the dropout of logic, we would drop out too.
But this will not happen I think... anyways in this season we lost phobeus, sebi and the team captain, Tuvok because of CoD4, so for me it was / it's a bit incredible to read about or chances against NED and now against POL, but at least we still have some players to play... and this is I think the season with the most conflicts inside Team-Hungary.ET...

Well, GL Hungary, especially my bro!
gonna see it, gl to hun nonix to !
go go go go go wiesiek :) i'll be waiting the shout out :B
logic's ban isn't right

Quote by PBBans | MBIDate Added Mar 12, 2007 at 6:09 pm

nice one, though there was a limit of a year!

and zMk was on gtv forums, so ban him also!
dunno who is xanah, but gl polska
nOONEk nice owning all Hungarian team xD

4 ppl killing spree :D

and now I can go to sleep:D omg that match was to much stressfull for me:P
Was a nice match, thanks guys :-)
imo those guys who spammed should be banned(3month cb&cf). rafs should check guids and ban(i kno it would be slower but we could try). how this 1st guy knew pw?
recently erected ! tehehehe
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