The New Resort!

image: lolllmvh

Today at exactly 8 o'clock The Last Resort announced their returning to the Call of Duty 4 scene with a new lineup.

The new team consits of former TLR players David "seeker" Thomas and Steven "Stat" Szabo along with Luka "lukzaR" Puš, Ryan "dUffER" Duffy, Joshua "auso" Goodwin and Žiga "ikky" Kovac.

TLR's history goes back to day one at i33 where they took second place. And after that went to the finals at CDC4 and i34.

Quote by Squad manager MunchiesIt’s great to see the TLR name back in cod4, and Im especially pleased to see my old friends back, stat and seeker. I look forward to working with them, as well as the new faces to TLR. Hopefully we shall see some nice results at i35 and move on to CDC from there.”

Quote by Ryan "dUffER" DuffyI am very pleased to be joining TLR with my new teammates ive been in and out of some orgs the last 3months from internal problems,mangement kicking players and people stealing extra mousemats! So im really looking to make TLR a longtime home for myself and my newteam mates. We have alot of hardwork to do on the course coming up to i35 i just hope we can achieve this with being as active as possible, alot of hardwork and a lilttle bit of fairydust cya xx”

Quote by Žiga "ikky" KovacFirst, I'm very excited and pleased to join professional organisation that TheLastResort is. This is the moment I've been waiting for the past years in my gaming carrer. On the otherside, I and my new teammates are aware of how much we will have to train for upcoming i35. I love the way of work in the team - nobody is above others and this is the reason it'll work out. I'd like to thank all my past teammates who helped me to reach TLR, Munchies for having faith in the team and any other I forgot. We are definately looking forward to play under TLR's tag.

The squads first major test will be the i35 lan in Birmingham UK, later this year.

United Kingdom Joshua "auso" Goodwin
United Kingdom Ryan "dUffER" Duffy
United Kingdom David "seeker" Thomas
United Kingdom Steven "Stat" Szabo
Slovenia Luka "lukzaR" Puš
Slovenia Žiga "ikky" Kovac
lol, ikky messrs.Sennheiser?
nice move, also with lukzaR
Grats to Doc with this new team :)
look this ugly newspost!
thx for deleting :< work for nothing..

gl tlr!
The only thing added was the statement by Munchies, there was no reason to keep a "heavy" comment like that.
"comment"? I wrote the news but I cant wrote more news without having to wait for that noob spamtimer for nothing..

I still don't understand why zzzzz shit like this gets promoted to front page news.

Think we should just move to esreality innit
26/08 - Hungary, Poland, Sword...
25/08 - #Offi-ET Now in Service
25/08 - *Up* UGS Lan - Winners
24/08 - ETQW(Pub)Pro 0.7
24/08 - Super Smashing Superla...
22/08 - The Don Baker ETL Canc...
21/08 - Norther America vs Chile

This is zzzzz shit for me.
there is nothing wrong with cod4 news, but this is not news

the geforce lan announcement? sure, promote it to the frontpage

this could be filed as "shit nobody cares about" and stay under Other News, like all the other team announcements that get posted
Quotethere is nothing wrong with cod4 news, but this is not news
One of the biggest multigaming clans within cod, with a good LAN history (also at CDC events), announces a new squad; I would call this news worthy.
But GeForce Lan main news and meez is happy


The New Resort! (183 views, 17 comments)
Posted by Adi on Tuesday 26th August 2008, 22:10

GeForce LAN (809 views, 7 comments)
Posted by vaRit on Tuesday 26th August 2008, 21:22
the geforcelan gets more hits due to the word LAN in it...all et players are hoping for a next et clicking they will leave the post without a comment becauze it is for cod4...
But the title of this article doesn't exactly limit it to being CoD4 news either, conclusion:

LAN news > team news
As ever Meez, thanks for your constructive input.
didn't lukzaR stop with gaming?
gl munchies mate, best of luck, gl stat :)
gl pokern4p
headsup @ cdc, np4me ;)

Take your old ET team back for EC and CDC5 :)
thought u meant my team for a second!
lukzar , from rhenium @ CoD2? wasnt he busted or am i mistaken with someone else from that squad?
how in gods name, do you remember those things -____-
ne ti men šta je , Cefur...
gl ikky :DD
gl, although i dont think this lineup has the potential any of the previous TLR teams had, hope they prove me wrong

best of luck
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