The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Cup Signups

image: dbaker1

The ETL are proud to announce that signups for The Don Baker ETL Gateway for Cancer Research Cup are now open. Teams are encouraged to signup early to avoid disappointment and are thanked for their generosity. This competition allows teams to compete in a prized competition whilst helping support cancer research.

Cup Homepage:
Charity: Gateway For Cancer Research
Letter of confirmation:
NA Server Sponsor:
Contact: [email protected]
IRC: #evilterritory
Current Sponsors: ETGameHosting & NationVoice

60% of total entry fees goes to the Gateway for Cancer Research.


Place: 25% total entry fees awarded
Place: 15% total entry fees awarded

More prizes to be added as soon as details are worked out

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory[/center]]

Game mode: ETPro 3.2.6
Game type: 6v6 Stopwatch
Server settings: ETL 6v6 Cup Config, PBBans Streaming, ETL Hub Flag Enabled
Date: Oct 11, 2008
Slots: 32
Cupmodus: Double Elimination / Losers Bracket
Maps: Radar, Supply Depot Final, Brandorf_b4, Special Delivery TE, sw_goldrush_te, Adlernest

Call of Duty 4[/center]]

Game mode: promod
Game type: 5v5 Search & Destroy
Server settings: Unified PB Config, PBBans Streaming, ETL Hub Flag Enabled
Server Configs: Unified PB Config
Date: Oct 11, 2008
Slots: 32
Cupmodus: Double Elimination / Losers Bracket
Maps: Crash, Vacant, Strike *(Not Final)

How to Sign Up[/center]]
Donation Links have been placed on the ETL site or simply click the link below.

*Please note that Gateway does not accept debit cards or direct money transfers at this time.

If you need an alternative method we have setup a paypal account which can be found at the link below & click the paypal donation button in the Sign Up box on right hand side of the page.

Please note that Paypal charges a 3% service fee which cannot pass along to Gateway & have included into the donation amount.

image: don_baker_cup

  • Donation needs to be in the amount of $30 American (Aprox €20 Euro~).
  • When filling out the form please follow these simple instructions.

  • In the "Donation" section, in the "Company" field input: ETL Team: (team name) See the example below

    image: example1

    Please keep in mind that this is a charitable organization & anyone who submits any form of profanity within their Donation application will forfeit their donation.

  • In the "This gift is in honor or memory of someone special" section, in the "In Honor of" field input: Don Baker. See the example below

    image: example2

  • After you complete the application you may proceed to the Team Sign Up Form

    Fill it out completely & once we receive confirmation of your donation your team will be added.Once your team is added captains will then be able to edit their teams info & fill out their rosters.All players must have a pbguid listed in the "ID" field to be eligible.

Please note Captains must be registered with the ETL Website. Click Here To Register

Thank you for your support & we hope to see you in game soon.
hoping the ET scene can be mature enough to take this seriously and make it a success
Don't expect too much, I'm afraid...
hope the dutchies won't say "kanker" 24/7
Good luck guys, hopefully people support one of the few reputable prized comps around - 'n a good cause.

3 euros per player, it's nothing - 'n 9 times return for the winners :O)
good luck, hope this works out.. the idea is fantastic.
Least 1 team from TAG ^^
oh god pressure... D: /q Julydrive
good luck, hope you raise a good amount :)
my community from wolf-radio decided to play as a team under our name, and I'm rather pleased about that, and my team signed up, we need more teams tho, so sign up! :)
how much are those entry fees then?
30,- per team
nice cause, GL !
very nice.
8bits will participate.
8bits fif green will play this one, I hope to see many ET teams supporting this cup
murso will most likely participate aswell

edit: mm.. great, didn't accept my visa :l

it has been working well on other payments I've made over internet and I checked the information so many times that it surely was 100% correct. also heard that some others have had problems donating with their cards aswell

would it be possible to donate it over moneybookers/neteller/paypal?
GL, nice idea
so funny, seriously..
c4l will paly paly
u should add sw_gr to mappool
The map pool isn't quite complete but I will tell you I will not be adding sw_gr simply because of the 2 versions with same pk3 name that cause download loops. It's always been a hassle & the more issues we can avoid the better.
remove braundorf. add adler, sw_gr
Not removing any that I have but will add to the list soon. Deff not removing braundorf the best map in all of ET :p

sw_gr will not be added & I have stated as to why.
add battery / sw_battery and railgun / sw_railgun !
add bremen then
I want to point out that gamewise this cup isn't serious of course, but still braun is one of the worst competitive maps in ET because it has some ridiculous lotto factory in it. can't see the map very enjoyable to play.

2 the most skilled maps in ET atm are radar & goldrush (in order) and you remove another out :p great.
Quote2 the most skilled maps in ET atm are radar & goldrush (in order) and you remove another out :p great.

Try explaining this to the new generation of polaks, raised on cybergames, playing supply and b4 24/7 as its the only maps where they get stable fps and they only need to aim from left to right, without thinking, leanspots everywhere and hardly any real ET skills involved (unless you call lean, camp and backrape skill ...)

All lowskillers think b4 is the best map ever. Still gotta find top players who actually enjoy the map ...
totally agree. imo we need more wide and open maps as radar. lean-only is way too boring.
OK I'll try to explain this, I have nothing against sw_goldrush_te but I'm trying to avoid as many potential issues as possible.

It is well known that the map devs released the sw_goldrush_te.pk3 only to shortly there after fix some bug & re-release it without changing the name causing there to be 2 diff pk3's with the same name.

When a player has version A in their etmain & connects to a server & thats using version B the player is thrown into a download loop.They will attempt to download the correct version over & over from the server only for it to fail.The player is then forced to search for the correct version which is difficult due to the fact they both have the same exact filename.

This is just an unnecessary headache I'm trying to avoid.
Wrong reply :)
meh sorry I do that alot :p
np :) GL with the cup
i dont know any person that ever had this problem and wasnt able to solve it in under 2mins
i play sw_gr daily and never noticed any upsets and also never noticed them in any big match i watched

oh well your cup your maps though imo you should rethink this
Somebody shoot me a link to the version the EU players use, I just talked to a good friend of mine from the UK & he basically told me I was crazy if I was gonna invite EU players & not include goldrush lol

I suppose if I post the correct version of the map in the Cup Downloads section it may help to avoid any potential probs. It's just been my experience with our league that the more potential probs you avoid the less reasons you give the players to complain.

I'm all for whatever makes the majority happy

sw_goldrush included to make the Euros happy
braundorf included to make the North Americans happy

Sound fair?
For me yes :)
Good one, though americans will not be happy after the cup anyway, because none of them get in top10 =)
GL though I don't think you'll get a lot of money by organising cups like this.
0,6 x (32 x 30$) = 576$ per tourney which makes 1152$ in total for charity (if both tourneys get full)

not that much, but better than doing nothing
More than I expected :) But you're right. I prefer this above United Kingdom Tossy putting everything in his own pockets ;D
with alot of ET players being too cheap to pay in for their own clanserver i doubt 32 teams will participate

great initiative though, gl
master scam
funny when people read only what they choose in an article & then leave random moronic comments
winning teams should donate their money too
Updated ET Map list to include Adlernest & sw_goldrush_te
Currently we have only one server sponsor, ETGameHosting who only provides servers for NA so we will be putting some up on the east coast.

I have sent out several requests to EU server providers only to either not have my correspondence acknowledged or denied.

After discussing this issue with some of the crossfire admins they assured me that this shouldn't pose a problem with the hopes that some of the EU teams will have servers available.

Even though I am still actively seeking a EU server sponsor for the event as well as seeking a full time EU server sponsor as next season I am looking to expand our W:ET league to include some EU divisions. We've had several active EU teams in the past but theres always issue with time & pings for them trying to compete in NA based league.
Will u have the same anticheat policy as in ur ETL divisions? (zero tolerance policy)
Yes & will try to elaborate a little as to why we stick to our zero tolerance policy

A) It's the best possible way to ensure those who compete legitimately,that they are being played fairly. In my eyes suspicion of hacks of is just as much of a disease in ET as is actual hacks.

Nothing against other leagues, what they do is their business & we respect what they do but it is our belief that allowing past cheaters into our competitions destroys the integrity of that competition as all it's doing is introducing more suspicion. I know a zero tolerance policy doesn't entirely stop that but at least it slows it down.

B) Because of this policy we have forged a strong relationship with PBBans & they in return provide us with an extended amount of tools that they have developed just for leagues & everyone of those tools has proven extremely valuable. Plainly put at this point we would have a difficult time functioning without them.

The policy is nothing personal it's just one we feel is necessary.
I don't understand how you're going to organize a competition on both european and north american servers?
avi for that cup - qry me
The complete 8B1ts / FiF section will play.

that means 3 teams and € 200,- incoming!
Is this on LAN LOL!?
great initiative, gl with the cup gary !
hes got about 12 teams already signed up....keep them coming people.
matt,bliss, ceres, extend, cyrus, horse
no, and you also dont need to have cancer to GTFO so go ahead
^ lol cyrus
I have passed a few questions asked of me along to Carrie at Gateway & below are the reply's I've gotten from her

*Are Debit Cards accepted or direct bank transfers accepted??

We do not allow debit cards or transfers at this time.

*For EU Credit Card users

Please ask them to choose the other amount and to enter 30 (knowing the transaction is in USD).The credit card should not have a problem processing the transaction.

Anyone that is having issue or needs assistance please contact me via Email or IRC & I will try to assist you.
You should edit the newspost not post comments :/
I wish you a lot of luck with this event!
Finally something to give back to the world
MaMuT might take part of this, will let u know soonish :))
I have updated the original post to include information about additional donation methods.

Also NationVoice has agreed to sign on as a sponsor.They will be making a donation to the charity as well as offering prizes. I will post full details when I have them.

ETGameHosting will be donating a couple of servers as prizes & details will be released on that soon as well. I know thats doesn't appeal much to EU teams as these would be NA servers.I'm still attempting to locate a EU server sponsor that would be interested in matching that prize with the possibility of offering the same prize to both top placing EU & NA teams separately.

I will continue to update as new info comes available.
Paypal method of donating added to original post
We are in ;)
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