XF NC - Germany vs Belgium!

image: ncsemi2

Here we are! The Semi-Finals are raring to go and finally, we have some dream clashes to look forward too! Our first bares Witness to the mighty Germany Germany taking on the equally formidable Belgium Belgium!

You can read my preview about the game here with a little word from Belgium vila and Germany butchji included in the piece! It's shaping up to be a cracker of a game, so get your snacks ready for tomorrow and be sure to make it onto ETTV!


Date and Time: Sunday 31th August 2008, 20:00 GMT

Germany sNoOp
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
Germany wEAK
Germany duKe_
Germany phate Belgium vila
Belgium TBA
Belgium Kevin
Belgium lio
Belgium acid
Belgium mAus
image: game6436

UPDATE! - In an interesting development, team captain Belgium Anaconda has been forced into action as for some reason, Belgium jetro is unable to play. Could the favorites tag have swung back over into Germany's camp? What impact will Anaconda's inclusion have on this game!

UPDATE! 2 - Belgium Anaconda has been removed from the line-up on gamestv and replaced with a "TBA" tag instead. Maybe it was a practical joke? Maybe Anaconda wanted to whore some attention, who knows! This 6th spot in the Belgian line-up could make or break this game, so stay tunned for developments!
gogo Belgium

EDIT: zomg this whole anaconda story is faking exciting
gl anaconda.You'll need it.! ;)

EDIT: why not spiROZE ?
then I can't sit on the pc -_-
Then we should play a war, schat! :D
hahahahahaha =DDDDDDDDDDD
Ok you are dumb..
Ok You are ego.
that is just fucking bs :D
omg :D ive no idea who to bet on
take my advice , bet on BELGIUM :D
i did xD i assasinate u if i lose :<
k :-) silence, I'll pray to god :D

Dear God,

Let belgium win pls because pala doesn't want to lose his money

you should pray that i win so you wont die today
gl Anaconda!!!!!!
Anaconda playing ? ... oO
like anaconda will play, nice joke :XD
jetro cant play on anti3
best wishes and gl ana <3
finally a match that i feel obligated to watch
so hard to predict who will win
can't watch :(
gl butchji,wEAk,haZer,snoop,duKe_ and phate
germany will take it imo, but gl maus :D
gl phate!
take xAv as TBA tbh...
xAv would be the best replacement imo..
where are u in that lineup!?:D
gtfo there!!! i betted on bel :<
whyz u dunt paly mister I give free Q pads:[
final be vs fin
I guess it pretty much depends on the lineup of the teams.. if both can yield a good lineup then I'd say ger even though it would be very tight match. but as it seems now,

4-2 for BEL.
go duKe_ ;d
I will play for be, Belgiumsjco
How can you have written a review, when the game hasn’t been played yet?
I beg your pardon, should read as preview! My bad.
uh oh, the whole match fixing scandal of nationscup 2008 has been revealed!

looks like I missed something :o
You were the one behind it weren't you?!
no drago no win
GL Germany.

Predict a close game. Hoping for a 4-2 victory in favor of the Germans but might turn out otherwise.
agree zet0 ftw :-)
gl hazer & phate wünscht euch reaz von #Schlingel-gaming we schlingel us through everything.
4-0 for bel
zeto is overrated dunno who they need to take
lets hope ger wins!
gl tba !
zeto? the guy with somewhat decent aim and no brains?
Envious fintard!
brb screenshot and post on the "butchji is nerd" journal.
Crushing lineups.
QuoteOh and I won't play if you need me, ktnx.

like they would ever ask you to :D you weren't even selected lol :/

I'm going to tennis! see yah

edit: nice edit skills :D I still got your quote here ;)
Stop stalking me please.
Belgium TBA = Belgium Phille => all my money on teambe
Belgium dAv1d / Belgium .X.! imo
you on drugs? gtfo with .X.
brains + aim
gl germany
no mesQ1 no win
Usual "we didn't pracc"-crap ofcourse.
take Belgium Phille !
bel-pol final imo
zeto? the guy with somewhat decent aim and no brains?
He played in edit, he's good.
Like vila!!! And acid!!!
Anything left to say? Ow i have .

You didn't and you'r still shit.

im flaming you cause i think its weird ppl like xav or worm never even got a trial. I understand the reasoning, getting ppl to play with you guys isnt easy. I havent specced the game yet, but i guess i should be happy we won?

Have you specced ppl like worm? I guess you haven't else you wouldn't make a statement like that + they got trials last season & they sucked.

xAv is in the lineup btw he's just not playing since he isn't in the main 6 , he played last season a couple times also.

EDiT -> 2nd CB EC
3rd CDC
3rd Next EC

Everytime with me & acid, strange not? Or should i expect, you won because you had this player or that player?

Note to over : spec the game , then come back & reply
HF Belgium
1335 slots available for the game... I remember some games with 1000+ spectators, but that was old time ago. Maybe because all players med+ and they think they're better than those who playing or just cannot learn more from their playing ... or just the game is dieing... who knows...
++++++++ :DD
first off, it seems you learnt english in france and second, don't talk like Arachon
It got boring and there is no motivation to get better (my case at least).
Viewer Peak: 1,083
its not 20 GMT because GMT doesnt have summer time - its 20 BST or 20 WEST or 19 GMT or 21 CEST or 20 CET or 19 WET
West on gtv confused the shit outta me, who the feck uses that?!

thats how we non-ignorant continentals see europes timezones

Its ok if you call WET (In winter) GMT, because thats the same

Its also ok if you call WEST (In Summer) BST (British Summer time)

But its not ok if you call WEST/BST GMT - because thats just wrong.
GMT does not have any summer/wintertime transitions and is always the same
vote on the country where i love techno is every year :o
looking forward great match! BEL can attack their first NC gold again by winning that match after sad story with FIN two NC before ;) On the other hand GER can get third gold in that NC when they win - thriller! ;)
as I said, 4-0
as I said, 4-0
Ok, 1000+ spectators, well done...
as I said, 4-0
Belgium did great
duke sucked donkey balls, as i said.
team belgium was godlike everybody was playing really well and doing there job correctly imo

they played as a fucking destromathic killing machine.

i was pleasantly suprised by vila's rifling! spamking
Vila has always been a great player, if not for his ingame skills then for his motivating and leading skills. But yes, suddenly his rifles actually started to hit! ( We suspect him of having smth .. )
i was pleasantly suprised by Butchji's sayings wtf,lol,rofl :D:D:D:D:D
BEL WON! Yeeehaaa!
Got some money from gtv. xD xD
Anaconda attentionwhore!
BE ftw! congrats
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