So long mick

image: topleft

Today we see another sad day in the big Call of Duty 4 scene. One of the longest servering CoD4 players and one of the biggest gaming icons Michael "Mick" Bradshaw will be retiring from Call of Duty. The reason is said to be lack of motivation to play at this kind of level.

However, dignitas was fast on the player market and found just what they were looking for. Chris "nreo" Mead is the name, we have seen him from teams like Reason Gaming & h2o. A big player but can he follow the footsteps of Mick? Lets cross fingers for Team Dignitas.

Quote by Chris "nreo" Mead
Everybody knows about the talent in this team and the deep history it has so I’m honoured to have been asked to join Dignitas. I’ve got big shoes to fill as Mick has been the central most important icon, player and leader for this team for as long as I can remember. But I’m always up for challenges and this is no different. It was an opportunity I really couldn’t refuse especially as soon as I started playing with the team and having had a chat with the management. Dignitas has an exciting future in store and the sky’s the limit with these bunch of lads so I’m very proud to be a part of that.

The new dignitas.cod4 lineup will be as following:

United Kingdom Chris "Blackmane" Kinnair
United Kingdom Jonathan "raz" Baker
United Kingdom Jason "LoOkzor" O'Connor
United Kingdom Daniel "SoCLoN" O'Connor
United Kingdom Chris "nreo" Mead
United Kingdom Michael "Mick" Bradshaw - backup
didn't see this coming :o

omg :'(
Mick is the best!
those bro's have coOl nicknames tbh
The Yorkie bar kid :( bb :(
gl danny and jason
cod filter doesnt work :X
oky bibuy
BIG shoes to fill
no kiddin' ^^
Lookzor and Soclon = brothers?
coincidence i think.
no they are brothers.
oh thats cool.
would you want to know if cooller was retiring?
comparing an amateur teambased game like cod4 to a pro individual game like q3 is completely unrealistic
haha, you clearly are just a cod4 hater, also, mick was basically the back bone of this famous team and even those who don't really follow cod would recognise the nick.
i didnt met cod 4 roster but i dont doubt the quality of the players as dignitas has on ET... so good luck dude
Do you even follow CoD4 scene?
yea but i didnt enjoy cod4 the way i do with ET thats what i mean..
So long, farewell, Auf Weidersehen, goodbye
bye mick
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