CoD4 League Autumn 2008

image: cod4leagueSummer is over, the sun has retreated behind the clouds and the leaves are turning brown. It's time to return to serious Call of Duty 4 fighting. Compete against teams from across Europe in the ESL's Call of Duty 4 League this Autumn!
The first season of the Call of Duty 4 League had mixed results as we experimented with a different kind of league structure to maximise the chances all teams had to prove themselves and qualify for the ESL Major Series.

This season will be a little different as it will not be a qualifier for the ESL Major Series, and also since last season there has been a clear split in the community regarding PAM and Promod. Therefore we will split the League into seperate PAM and Promod Leagues.

Sign up opens: Now!
Sign up closes: Midnight, Thursday 18th September
Groups and fixtures announced: Sunday 21st September

Groupstage Week 1: 29th September to 5th October
Groupstage Week 2: 6th to 12th October
Groupstage Week 3: 13th to 19th October
Groupstage catch-up: 20th to 26th October

Quarter Finals: 27th October to 2nd November
Semi Finals: 3rd to 9th November
Grand Final: 10th to 16th November

- Players who are already qualified for ESL Major Series may not take part, players in qualifying round 1 or 2 may
- You may play in both the PAM and Promod leagues
- No show is a forfeit loss
- Two no shows in the groupstage will be disqualification
- Groupstage matches are one map, fixed per week, full 24 rounds
- Playoff matches are two maps, each team picks a map, first to 25 rounds, a tie break map for each round is fixed
- Teams must agree on a match date by midnight Saturday of the previous week otherwise matches will be forced by the admin team

- Skill based divisions
- Four groups of four teams per division
- Each division has 8 team, single elimination playoffs

Sign up

Newspost on ESL.Europe
Signed up teams - PAM
Signed up teams - Promod
need team :(
- Players who are already qualified for ESL Major Series may not take part, players in qualifying round 1 or 2 may

so no good teams in this then ;P
the Signed up teams links are same as sign up
Promod Division and PAM Division?

Grats on splitting the community.
the community split itself
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