ClanBase Game-Violations Update

Game-Violations have today responded to community pressure and released an updated version of their streaming scripts. The new scripts have reduced the size of the PBSS in an attempt to reduce lag. The Game-Violations scripts takes one PBSS between a time period of every five and twenty minutes, on average one screenshot every thirteen minutes. This is considered the equilibrium in an attempt to keep a watchful eye on players, whilst minimising any potential lag.

Quote by Game-ViolationsFollowing feedback from the community we have amended the PBSS settings in the Enemy Territory scripts. We hope this will help to cut down on the amount of lag.

We will continue to work closely with ClanBase and the community to improve our systems and settings so please do not hesitate to voice your opinions either to us on the ET Forum or to your CB game crew.

ClanBase claim this will offer 4 times less lag than their rival Punkbusted.

Servers must run this script in order to compete in ClanBase competitions. Any matches not using the script will be canceled.

In other ClanBase related news. Signups for this years EuroCup and OpenCup Fall season close tonight at 23:59 CET.
where do i have to put that in
serv FTP I guess
lol i thought this is for my cfg :x

tought the same :D
<3 overdrive for this :)
You'll have to read through my technical ignorance on this one and just go with the flow.

It took me a few seconds to download that image, so to upload would take longer considering that upload speeds are generally slower. So in my very basic understanding such and issue is always going to be problematic if the server or client has limited upload to take that image and move it.
PBBans/Punkbusted pbss size various at around 165KB.
The New GV PBss size is 69KB.

It took you long to download it cos there are 2 pbss and tinypic is not a really good host maybe.
I think even 69kb is going to give me that momentary lag if I have a pretty standard connection which is 256kb upload. I think the method of the client uploading the screenshot has to change, some how the server must act as a spectator or smth
If the server acts as a spectator it'll only see the same as other spectators or ettv viewers, which means it's useless for spotting wallhacks etc.
Then I'd rather suggest allowing a cfg option to cap the upload rate, to make the upload not cause any lags on the cost of upload speed. In the case of uploading pbss the upload rate isn't critical at all, the upload can take as long time as it wants but having a nice and constant rate available for the game is crucial. So just simply allowing players to give priority to the game instead of the pbss, yet still ensuring that the pbss gets there in some fashion would be the way to go imo.
Could you not do smth like hold the pbss in a 'holding bay' and have the end of the round trigger them all to upload at once?
disconnect by then, do them during respawn
Who needs pb, fusen 'n arni get on it ^^
would be a good idea, except, well.. how do i put it... pb isn't directly enough 'involved' with the game to know when you are on respawn (actually I'm kinda glad, pb causes so much lag when it's barely interfering with the game) and so it couldn't really work like that

i dont think evenbalance are too motivated to change the pbss code either unfortunately, even though it is one of the most annoying things about this game these days
X-RAY anti-cheat works like that, after you close the x-ray program, it waits until you upload them, but anyone can restart his pc and it won't upload the screenshots until the next time you open x-ray and close it again.
so I'll be sure to sniff any file access and see where x-ray stores the images which can be changed before uploading :P
Image is sent in one burst. Why not making it being sent slowly, like 2Kb/s? Yes, it will take longer, but will use stable, low bandwidth.
My point exactly ^^
Then I am all yours!
I was unable to get it out of your paragraph at 4am :D
You just wrote it in an understandable way :P
even the capture of it is causing lag, sizes dont matter :p
50kbit upload :(
You can't give an accurate figure for screenshot size, since every screenshot is different depending on number of colours, amount of objects on screen and whatnot :\
its like 'our settings are better', has nothing to do with it idd :p
PBBans/Punkbusted pbss size various at around 165KB.
The New GV PBss size is 69KB.

thats just bs :)
image: b75d29667f74d2bcd6d33158bcbd0657-2b3bf237

188 KB (192,174 bytes)

image: f55399de5416cca181cb036c9cd2c141-5b37c8bb

165 KB (167,992 bytes)

image: da09cbb664fc86510692e1e6bd59f184-df2ff21b

163 KB (165,924 bytes)
depends on how many different colors etc etc, not only the size matters, and the screenshot you posted is not a screenshot with the pbbans pbss settings.
the brighter the screenshot the more size i guess right? I have seen dark pbss's with 90kb in size too. But if that pbss is not pbbans and not gv its a modified version then?

Btw the 2 pbss i posted are taken with a bright cfg as you can see and it only takes 69kb, so i guess darker pbss's will take less, am i right?
its around 300x300, cba to check it out, but this is a screenie with pbbans settings: ( 21,6 )
and this too ( 97 )

so no idea about brightness :p
It's not really about brightness, it's about monotone pictures. The fewer varying colours and the fewer complex shapes (screenshot 1 being a perfect example) the smaller the file size.
Solution to pbss lag issues:
-Make your CFG as dark as possible.
-Turn the brightness up on your monitor.
well, just raise the grafics card settings aswell:P
(doesn't matter for pbss anyway)
What was the filesize of the old screenshot files? I mean the ones which were used in the razz case etc..
no its from a 2 week old pbss
nice even though i would have prefered pbbans.
hope for less lag
My question is why does GV control the PBSS settings & not CB

Sorry but Im just trying to understand
my lagometer is still looking like the alps region if pb checks my pc (and prolly takes a screenshot). that's horrible :s
PB doesn't cause lag, bad PB settings do
Still its PB, huh?
Let me rephrase...

PB doesn't generally cause lag unless the settings are messed with.
Yeah, true ofc :)
Could you share your good settings then?
tbh anti3 should be used in any CB match instead of these PB crap
Making compiles for Anti3 for every gamer will be almost impossible since there are over 1500 people that registered to play EC/OC. Just wait for etace to integrate its anti-cheat into etpro (AntiPro) and it will atleast solve the compiling problem.
Any idea how long it's gonna take for anti3-team to finish the first public release? :l
under 1 month i think
GV is awesome
definately not:P
Ah this explains my lagg spikes :DD (no, i'm not really up to date)
good job :-)
Best way to solve the filesize issue is to use high rivatuner settings, reducing the color palette.
idd, etace should unlock picmipping to something like IN [0-5]
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