Cubesports now with CoD4 team

Monday night the Italian multigaming organisation Italy Cubesports.AMD, which is mostly known within the Counter Stirke, CS:Source and Warcraft 3 communities, announced their newest squad; Call of Duty 4.

The squad, which is now under Cubesports, began when the two Team Impact players Italy George and Italy Shade decided to leave the team, after some disapointng results at AEF and TEX. They managed to seduce 4 players from Italy Inferno into joining them in this new squad, under the banner of Cubesports. On LowLandLions's website George made the following statement:

Quote by Amir 'George' Hajar"After a long period of "nothing" finally in Italy we can start to create some competitive teams.
Shade and me decided to move out from Team-Impact to create something different, I know all the potential of my new m8s and I'm sure we can do a really nice job.
We are very glad to join this big italian multigaming. They give to us all the support that we need. Thanks to all our sponsor they know us for our hard work and in real life.
So stay tuned for all the Europeans Lans! We are ready for show all our strength."

This newly formed team will most likely be seen at upcoming European events, a huge question arises when it comes to the likes of CC5. The question is not whether or not the team will attend the event, but rather, if the former CPC ET winner and local Crossfire celebrity Italy XyLoS, who is a part of the lineup, will be playing CoD or ET at the upcoming event.

The lineup of Cubesports is:
Italy Amir "George" Hajar
Italy Michele "goofy" Siffredi
Italy Frederico "Shade" Seri
Italy Fabio Filippo "papadok" Conigiu
Italy Stefano "snake" Marrucci
Italy Dario "XyLoS" Azzarelli

- Cubesports Back on Duty! (Cubesports)
- Cubesports.AMD reventures into CoD (LowLandLions)
- Cubesports.AMD adds COD4 team (Dignitas)
Gl xylos!
gl Xylos !
gl xylos :D
Just wait viking! next time im faster!
gl XyLos
I guess with a game like CoD its hard to say whether this is frontpage material or not
You know what... I could post a very sharp and sarcastic comment, but I wont!
Please do, I like getting Sainted flamed.
Can I "Sainted flame" you by hitting the shiny ban button besides your name? :P
CoD gets favouritism in the news section, haven't you realised that yet?
Or on this site it's just the major game featured so it receives a lot more attention.
you must be great at motivating your own cod4 team
You are confusing two things here, the subject on hand being that there is more interesting (CoD) news which doesn't make it to the frontpage.

And I'm not going to discuss motivation with you, as you clearly are an expert on that, Motivated.juxx.
GL Xylos, but more importantly hopefully this means we'll see George dancing again :D
i can dance too!

edit: allow to play cod and et at cc5!
Gl riflenoob! :)
gl xylos!
GL Dario :D
cheater! :P glu2
gl bimbi negri
XyLoS :>
gl xylos & co, seems like pretty "ok" lineup to me
gl xylos
sempre più nerd stò isilos? asdasdasd

cmq gl
sempre più pro vorresti dire!
gl xylos
Go on George!
gl xylos :>
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