mjo & sikota do: Shapeshifter

image: mjo8jj By now, you've probably seen the journal, probably noticed the new addition to Sweden's film archives. Yes, in the context of the internet this movie might be considered what Fred Flintstone is to cartoons, but lets not spend too long on that thought, because the mjo produced movie in partnership with 141 and ex SplashDamage player Netherlands sikota sure is one of the hottest servings this May.

Whilst the English sun might play a game of hide and seek, the action in this film is relentless, offering just over 8 minutes of x264 and special effects goodness, and featuring frags against some "top" names, including parodia and well, even JOTE (they'll never diee!). If you experience any gfx irregularities, using the included VLC player should do the trick. Overall this is one movie that should not be missing from any respectable collectors library. Grab the download now!

Contact at #141 and #uE.et

Mirror: SweRTCW
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