TEK9 Networks CoD4 team splits up

At the end of August Belgium TEK9 Networks were happy to announce that they had found their replacement of Turkey haya, who decided to leave due to personal motivational problems; the replacement was the former mYm player United Kingdom Mark. Unfortunately late Sunday night the organisation announced that the Call of Duty 4 team will be splitting up.

The reason for the split up is the lack of motivation by some of the players, Belgium Davy and Netherlands KNALLER, both players will probably be quitting Call of Duty 4. Another reason is a problem in the private schedule of the players, which makes them unable to attend upcoming events, like Italy GAMERLAND. The remaining three players: France OZWALD, Belgium Stevy and United Kingdom Mark will hopefully be in another team in the near future. The following two statements are taken from TEK9s page, for the full statements, please check their site:

Quote by Davy "Davy" Sysmans"Sad to say but we've been put in a situation that only leads to us splitting up. Since we were inactive for most of the time since cod4 came out we never got to the point where we were in cod2. Also the fact that not everyone enjoys cod4 enough to come up with the right dedication is a big part of our somewhat lesser results.
We were still able to hang around the top5-6 in the world with all our problems but this isnt enough with the potential we have..."

Quote by Alexander "KNALLER" Shulepov"Due to the combination of personal schedules we do not have sufficient time to prepare properly for the upcoming lans. Our priority was the lan in Rome, but unfortunately it probably wont be happening (atleast not a cod4 tourney). People want to attend lans of course and the only solution hereby is to let everyone go their own way.
Maybe we'll reunite in the future, maybe not. Time will tell..."

As KNALLER states, it is possible that the team will reform as TEK9 in the upcoming title Call of Duty 5, depending on how successful the game will become. It is sad though, seeing one of the best teams in Call of Duty 4 splitting up. The, now previous, lineup of TEK9 was:

Belgium Davy "Davy" Sysmans
Netherlands Alexander "KNALLER" Shulepov
France Antonin "OZWALD" Grenier
Belgium Stevy "Stevy" Verheyen
United Kingdom Mark "mark" Horner

- TEK9 Call of Duty 4 splits (TEK9 Networks)
- Tek9 COD4 folds (Team Dignitas)
first, and that right after the direct invite!
Its so cool! i just wrote this newspost and refreshed the site just to check what were going on on CF and then all of a sudden Arachon is faster than me again!

NICE! [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:W_z7VLVXvGuolM:http://www.frisor.net/salon/images/icons/thumbs_up_large.gif[/img] :(
The term you are looking for is e;fb!
Second time that happens! :D
Just wait viking!
As KNALLER states, it is possible that the team will reform as TEK9 in the upcoming title Call of Duty 5, depending on how successful the game will become.

Why be that?
CoD4 on backpath... good old CoD2 and W:ET
True, liked CoD2 much more.
promod makes cod4 much better

edit: still not better than ET <3 and maybe not better than cod2 but cod4 now with promod is much better than it was with pam imo
but look at the clanscene, all big team in mgc folded or lack motivation.. its clear that MONEY isnt all
If I remember rightly 80-90% of the top ET teams disbanded within the first year for similair reasons. 'it just didnt feel right' because they were comparing it to an older game, in that case, RtCW.

New players will come, you only have to look at the players who have made their names in ET alone.
oo0o the drama
KNALLER, what a nice name, almost as ingenious as mine.
:D gaatjesprikker
knaller was his cod2 name tbh , in cod4 he was called strelok .

I hope that cod5 will be a success , but imo it will come to soon after cod4 tbfh !
wtf sad :/
cu@cod5 xx.11
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