In Game ET:QuakeWars Footage

Over on esreality United States of America RogerR1 of has posted a video recording live from E3.

QuoteThis 6 minute High Definition movie will give you a never before seen glimpse into real ET: QuakeWars gameplay, not some pre-rendered demo video. You will see medics handing out health and engineers repairing tanks along with many other cool gameplay aspects.

As you’ve most likely already seen from our man on the ground over at E3… ‘just in from TosspoT: “The TosspoT ET Quakewars verdict: ET:Quakewars officially not for the ET community.” We’re promised a more detailed review shortly

Judge for yourself:

[*] High Quality (269 MB)

[*] Low Quality (21 MB)

It’s rumoured that an online playable demo will be released for download sometime this week.
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