GameSense vs sth - #1 Spot On The Line

image: gamestvClanBase ladder matches, they're of no importance right? Played by mere peons not good enough for the Cups...well tonight let’s distinguish that myth.

We'll see Eurocup hopefuls Portugal GameSense! take on ladder leaders Europe stronger than hate (sth). stronger than hate are on a nine match winning streak stretching back to early March. Granted their matches have been few and far between, the last two coming mid-September when they took on and beat not only Russia Pistols but Poland frozen in the same night.

They became ladder leaders by default in mid October, thanks to the demise of Hungary Thunder Force who have since gone into hibernation. This their first match as ladder leaders, a loss tonight would result in Spain aurea taking the top spot. Shit or bust for FroZzeN's men.

stronger than hate are a large caldron of Europe's best, a skillful mix under the watchful eye of Croatia FroZzeN. Their roster boasts members from Thunder Force,,, wArning!, Kreaturen and IDKFA to name but a few. But do a few big names make a team, you've gotta question their commitment with Eurocup approaching fast. It's also unclear as to what team they'll field, with over 40 members to pick from.

Compared to sth GameSense! have been incredibly active of late, three officials in the last few weeks going favourably - though not perfectly. Their roster might not boast the same celebrities as sth, but they've still a strong mix of players - overpowering fellow EC hopefuls’ Italy team Vagrants back in October. As the challengers tonight they've nothing to lose, even more so due to the ladder systems point scoring, they should be fully prepared to cause an upset.

Competition: ClanBase European 6v6 Ladder
Date: Wednesday 9th November
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Supplydepot2 & Supplydepot2
ETTv: & (450 slots confirmed)

Europe stronger than hate
- Rank: 1st with wins 13 / 0 losses / 1 draw

Portugal GameSense!
- Rank: 8th with 15 wins / 6 losses / 8 draws

Other clans in and around the top of the ClanBase European ladder include uQ Gaming, aurea, Rewind and The skilled teams taking an interest, and with nearly 200 active clans the ladder system if far from dead. You can sign up to the ClanBase European 6v6 Ladder here, bring that competitive edge to your friendly scrims, challenge Europe's best.

This the first ladder match casted in months, and well 'n truly cementes the return of our beloved - be sure not to miss out.

(Personal note - those map choices make baby Jesus cry :/ )


stronger than hate regain their top spot with a comfortable 4 0 win.
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