HighBot.et is back in buisness under Royality.

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HighBot.et is back! After some changes we decided to play together again.

It was a shock for the team after 8 weeks of hard work to drop out in the qualification for the Eurocup.

But the time is ripe to begin afresh and the team around fireBall got an offer by royality, which is a very lucrative clan.
The old team gets support from 2 very known players.

After one year of break Raqtor and the little more known player sacctji, who was the leader of team.de and played for kojak, are playing for the team again.

Royality.et is going to participate in the Opencup in Group E and will fight against Clans like KKP , WoW , and Razer.
Furthermore they will play in Warleagues Premier League and take part in some Cups.

The old Highbot.et team, which is now playing for royality, consits of:

Turkey roYality | fireBall (C) (HighBot)
Russia roYality | humM3L (HighBot)
Germany roYality | haZer (HighBot)
Germany roYality | jiggy (HighBot)
Netherlands roYality | sacctji (Kojak.et)
Poland roYality | z3R0 (HighBot)

You can contact them in #rY.et @ quakenet. They are searching no new players and its invite only.

roYality eSports

Statement by Manager humM3L:

Quote I'm very proud to play with HB.et again.
We aim to place as high as possible in this OpenCup and to try and get an invite to the next EuroCup.
This is our main objective at the moment.
Other goals we have include staying in the Premium League and to try and win some other cups on the way.
I dont think its a shame not to be in th EC and I doubt that we are still an underdog.
I hope our two new players will settle fast and that we can provide some surprises in the future.

logitech vs eSr (After the win of eSrael)

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