CB EC Groups & Rules

image: ecxviiilogo_smallClanBase have just recently announced the groups for this fall seasons EuroCup. As the qualifiers have successfully found the final participants, we have now the total of 16 teams for this EC's groupstage to start. Prizes remain yet to be announced, the teams that take part at this EC will anyway guarantee a hot battle, which will hopefully be more entertaining than last years dilemma.
[center]Group A[list][*]Netherlands Zero Empathy[*]Europe Re-Play Sleeperz[*]Europe S.N. Battalion[*]Finland Vicious & Evil[/list]Group B [list][*]Germany 8Bits HighBot[*]Finland Incomplete[*]Poland Re-Play Devilry[*]Slovenia Team mamut.si[/list][/center]

[center]Group C[list][*]Europe TLR.AMD[*]Croatia Cortana[*]Europe Team FatGames[*]Europe TAG.ET[/list]Group D [list][*]Belgium Overload Gaming[*]Poland Fear Factory X-Fi[*]Europe Vital Gaming[*]France Muse Gaming[/list][/center]
Next to the group announcement ClanBase have reveiled some rule changes which look as follows:

Quote by ClanBaseLike always all the EuroCup matches will be prescheduled. This means you do not need to challenge your opponents. If a selected time is no good for you then there are 2 options available.
  • Either you talk to your opponent about moving the match to another day in the same week(meaning from Monday to Sunday). You all know the dates well in advance so do this in time. There is a limit to moving the match which will be set to 48 hours before the time it is currently set to. If you choose this option both teams leaders or war arrangers have to notify the supervisor of this by mail or via IRC.

  • The second method is to use your one wildcard. This means that you can postpone a game to a date later in the week or at the latest one matchweek after it. You only have one of these so use it wisely. You can use a wildcard up to the point of the normal starting time. Using the wildcard is simple. announce you will use it before the normal starting time of the match to one of the cup supervisors and to your opponent. Wildcards are only valid during the group stage.

Quote by ClanBaseAbout the allowed players: As I have posted before any players that have played a qualifier game aren't allowed to play the first match if they lost that game. Any players that won their qualifier game aren't allowed to play for another team during all of the group phase of the EuroCup.

Also all players not on the APL before the start of a match will be considered freelancers. A red card and forfeit loss will be given if they weren't allowed to be on the APL and a yellow card if they would have been allowed to play had they been on the APL.
Example: Fear Factory play Overload and use a player that was used by authentic in the qualifier. If this match is in the first matchweek this will result in a red card and a forfeit loss due to the rule about players losing the qualifiers match.
If however this happens in week 2 or 3 the punishment will be a yellow card only.

ClanBase News
gl replay:)
Group C of the death
Wouldnt say so, very likely TLR and Polar will move on from C, but try to guess two continuers from B group.
mamut & replay
mamut and HIGHBOT
devilry first, mamut second if they practise, otherwise last ;D
mamut and replay
Group A kinda boring :o)

group D :o
Cortanians will take this ec foso:P
Best od luck guys.
they should've put muse group A and vae group D so that they were even more balanced.
Group A: S.N Battalion, VaE
Group B:Mamut, and dont know who is second:x(hope inc)
Group C: TLR, Polar
Group D: Overload, FF
but gl all teams
Quotethe teams that take part at this EC will anyway guarantee a hot battle, which will hopefully be more entertaining than last years dilemma.

Dilemma? What dilemma?
last dilema
There was no dilemma. He probably used the word dilemma since it sounds close to drama.
Gnajda case :XD
that was not a dilemma
Should have been 'Last years drama'
rly? you think?
Such an aggressive man. :(
nah, just bitter :P
nice big fat letters for all us blind folk
fair groups, gl to all teams :)
Group A
1. Vae
2. sleeperz
3. Supreme Niggers
4. Zero E

Group B
1. mamut
2. devilry
3. incomplete

Group C
1. TLR
2. polar
3. Cortana
4. TAG

Group D
1. Overlaod
2. FF
3. Muse
4. Vital

QuoteAbout the allowed players: As I have posted before any players that have played a qualifier game aren't allowed to play the first match if they lost that game. Any players that won their qualifier game aren't allowed to play for another team during all of the group phase of the EuroCup.

Don't get this part.
If your team lost that qualifier, you are allowed to join other clan but cant play on the first matchweek with them.

And if your team won that qualifier and you still want to change clan, its not allowed on the group stage.

That is how I understood them :|
did you use a script for understanding that?
no i just think he is more intelligent then average :o
Why I can't request my password from cb?
hehe ask a helper @ #clanbase.help

they got more powers then me in regard to acounts
And who I should pm about this thing, cos everyone of them seems to be idling more than 2 days ;<
got no idea... i think donex also has the power to change it... talk to him.
gl to all the teams xx
Hi heyA :DD:D:d.D:D:
Group A
1. Vae
2. S.N. Battalion
3. Sleeperz
4. Zero E

Group B
1. Mamut
2. Highbot
3. Incomplete
4. Devilry

Group C
1. TLR
2. polar
3. Tag
4. Cortana

Group D
1. Overload
2. Fear Factory
3. Muse
4. Vital
sleeperz will bash snb fo sho and maybe even vae cuz they suck donkey balls
snb > sleeperz
wanna bet? ^^
we'll see anywayz
hf cortana :'(
ooo how did u make the text bigger
["h2]Size Header 2[/h2"] without those quotes obviously.

ah and btw could you change my nick to TimeN? ;)
change mine back 2 tetsuo pls :<
u shud follow a course on how to use ur own website :P
lets hope TosspoT will shoutcast alot of games
you will!
damn right
what about rtcw cup finals?
Its on Sunday atm, I'm at PCGamer LAN then - if that changes, then maybe we're in business
cast all you want i don't mind ;) (or do i have to make an official request for it???)
no no ill just follow the gtv schedule
good :) sign up for any game you wish :p the more the better :D
Availabe to shoutcast the RtCW Final this coming Sunday ?
negativo, PCGamer LAN on Sunday. I had been talking with Merlinator about doing the LB final on thursday then it got rescheduled
No worries, I have some crazy Israeli guy on stand by ... ;)
I still think that everyone is underrating vital gaming / jacks, they might suprise tbh.
D & C > A & B
true, but still, there's only really good teams in group D, plus ovr/FF are battle-tested holy monsters
gl all of you:)!
good luck @ re-play :)
noone can whine about the groups, just perfect
perfect...2x8 groups would solve every whine tbh...
would have made the forfeits and dropouts more, leading to another bad EC

its fine.
gl snb!!1



True, if we win 1 game I'll be happy. :D
vae+ zeroe
mamut + devilry

then most likely

ovr vs vae - ovr
ff vs zeroe- ff
tlr vs devilry- tlr
pi vs mamut- mamut

and u have teh top4 ;[
wont there be a lb etc.? If they got one your top 4 can change
oh ye ur right

but still

vae vs zeroe = vae

devilry vs pi = pi

vae vs pi = pi

so ye its teh top5 now :<
A is crossing with B and C with D, not AD & BC
o dear :<
still top5 wont change i think :<
gl TLR, HB and TAG.
good luck SN|perforator and vital|mong
thanks RANDOMS slinger!
good luck S.N. B Viax!
Group A
1. Vae
2. S.N. Battalion
3. Sleeperz
4. ZeroE

Group B
1. mamut
2. devilry
3. incomplete

Group C
1. TLR
2. polar
3. TAG
4. Cortana

Group D
1. Overload
2. FF
3. Vital
4. Muse
Looks exciting!

request can you make only 1 ettv match per day? im sick of patroling between the matchs and choose between the matchs, niether i have power to watch 2 hours...
there will be 2 matches per day. sorry but otherwise weeks will need 10 days ...
gl to all
is there a link @cf where you can see what players are playing in each team?
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