ESL 6on6 Instant Fall Cup

image: fallbuttonThe next round of the ESL Instant Cups is incoming! The Fall has just begun and we will continue running our cups in it!
Last Sunday we saw another 3on3 Cup take place and the result was as following:
Finland red as a beetroot
Canada heroes For Ever
(ESL ET Hall of Fame)

This time we will see the Instant Cups in 6on6 format again. The most important details right here:

28th September 2008 15:00 CET

16/32 Slots , Single elimination , best of one & checkin system

Supply, bremen_b2, sw_grush, frostbite, sw_battery, radar ,sp_delivery

Here (until 14:30) & Checkin here (14:40-14:50)


Premium Accounts & 1 Month 18 Slot ET server by eicher (20€/month if you want to keep it afterwards)

If you are new to the ESL you can follow the Starter Guid & Team Starter Guid or ask an admin in

Pay attention to the Check In 30min before cupstart!

The Cup turned out to be a big success with the following result:
Finland Vicious and Evil
Europe Baroque workS
Russia black
(Final Bracket)

Most Matches Competition:
For the first time there will be the so called "Most Matches Competition" in the european section of the ESL. If you want to know more about this follow this link to the ESL newspost in which everything is explained. Basically one ladder is chosen per month (1on1 Ladder in October) in which the player with the most matches played in the specified month wins the competition and some month of premium accounts!

ESL Newspost
Most Matches Competition Newspost
ESL 6on6 Instant Cup Brackets
ESL 3on3 Instant Cup #7 Final Bracket
ESL ET 6on6 Ladder
ESL ET 1on1 Ladder
signed up, hoping to see some other EC teams in aswell!
i dont like ESL =/
feel free to pm ops in for help
will they remove that payment system ?
which payment system?
1 Award(s) that is/are, however, not shown, as the team is not an ESL Premium Team.
that premium shit
why would u need to see that
its just annoying that whatever you click screen appears "pay money to see this shit"
i dont like site layout either..
nope thats only for premium users but you can win those accounts in the cups :p

anyway the "awards" you are talking about are not like Cup #7 winner etc, there are "awards" like 6month member of ESL etc which nobody really cares about @ a team
I Won last 3v3 cup and i didint get nothing:<<
it depends on the cups, as the fall series will have premium prizes for every cup, but we are not able to provide these prizes everytime outside of "special" cupseries
ESL 6on6 Instant Fail Cup
that ''Most Matches Competition'' is one big failure, couldn't be more unfair for new players

gl with the cup tho!
why should it be unfair for new players?
Quotekafux on 26/09/08, 17:52:36 PM | Reply

Start: 1st October. But we will count not only the wins, all played matches will be counted. So you can lose 10 matches and win the MMC :)

i guess i misunderstood when you said ''all played matches will be counted'', that you also meant all time matches:D
if you would read the newspost you would see that only matches made in the according month are counted ;)
need a team for it :c
Need a team I guess
et merc for it i think
Need team for this one, msg me @ qnet
need a team or 5 more to play this cup is your friend ;)
Would've signed us up if I saw this earlier ^^
nais vae :)
now its again the time for rifletennis WOEW
it was 1on1 ,2on2 , 3on3 , 6on6 ... so now would be 1on1 time again :<
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