XF NC Awards - The Results!

image: nc

Voting is in and we have the results. It was only supposed to be a little bit of fun and it's just a shame so many people had negative comments towards the nominations, even though they didn't nominate anyone themselves.

I agree, some of the nominations were shocking but I did state it would be done entirely in that way, with no input from myself regarding nominations. So what I've decided to do is to take the results from the voting but I'd also like to mention a few names I personally feel deserve a mention and should have been nominated in my mind for certain awards.

Belgium mAus
Poland wiesek
Belgium lio

Now to be honest, with this vote, it's only really fair that either of the finalists win this award. The MVP of a team is the one that will more than likely, win you the tournament, so I don't think anyone will feel hard done by in this case.

People that I would like to mention. Hungary phobeus was essential for his team. Hungary played extremely well during the group stages of the tournament and caused some decent upsets early on. Austria beAsty is another name that stood out. True, neither really could be considered for the award but in terms of what each player gave to his team compared to the rest of his respective squad, it's hard to see how each player could have given more.

I was also impressed with both United States of America Quota and United States of America ouch against Poland but there are a lot of names I could come up with, none of which really could have won this award.
Germany sNoOp
Poland Xanah
Belgium lio

Again, I don't really disagree with these awards in some respect but players like Germany sNoOp and Belgium lio are rated players and maybe they can be considered "underrated" only because of the fact some of their teammates receive a lot more praise and attention over them.

Who do I think was underrated during the tournament? Australia HM and Australia haste both impressed me and I feel they don't receive enough praise, with people overlooking the fact they are good players and focusing on their pings more often than not. A couple of the Chile Chile players also fall into the same category for exactly the same reasons.

Germany butchji
Finland Squall
Malta toxic

This is where our nominations started to get dodgy. All these players are on the top tier of ET. There's a reason they have been in so many EC and NC teams, overrating them as a few people have said, is just silly. You could maybe argue the point that they "underperformed" but I mean really, no one man makes a team. Both butchji and Squall made it to the Semi-Final stage and unless toxic could have "dragged" the entire Malta team to at least the semi's, people would nominate him for this award.

Who do I think was overrated? Well, looking back, I think I should have renamed the award for a start. Underperformed or something along those lines would have been decent. At least it allows room for interpretation. No individual player comes to mind. Only teams "underperformed" in most cases and even then, that's mainly due to the fact first picks weren't available to play.
Best Engineer
Latvia Clown
Belgium lio
Germany haZer

This goes from bad to worse. This is really where I should have intervened and I apologize for that. But I did say the only way this would be done would be by nominations and Clown was right up there. Latvia didn't live up to expectations in this tournament and without making the knock-out stages I really don't see why Clown should win this award considering those facts. Again, Lio shouldn't really be involved in this category, as he made far greater contributions to his team as other classes and in other areas. He rarely/if at all played as Engineer, so god knows why people chose him. (:P)

I was relieved when I saw that Germany haZer got a few nominations, as apart from being a great rifleman, he did make a difference to his team in his role. United States of America vader also left an impression on me when he wielded the rifle and when Poland S4rna did play for Poland, it was simply frightening how good he was at taking people down, in a somewhat limited SMG-Engineer role.

Best Field-Ops
Germany sNoOp
Belgium Kevin
Belgium lio

Back on track again I feel, although some may argue that Kevin should have won this and not sNoOp. Still, both have the ability to deserve this award and with some great action from all three throughout, it was a real treat to watch.

Czech Republic teente is a name that stands out in my mind in terms of a truly great Field-Op and a few people did nominated the "Japan Japanese Field-Ops" as they so called it as well.
Best Medic
Belgium mAus
Poland wiesek
Germany butchji

Another award for mAus here, although I'm not sure if people voted for him as he played medic or the fact his medic skills were the best in the tournament. Same goes for wiesek. Both are well deserved MVP players but in terms of the medic side of things, I think their damage output was far more valuable than any revives they made.

Still, that's what the people voted. Poland Xanah pulled off some nifty revives when I watched him and I'm sure everyone who watched some games saw some instances of thrilling, exciting medic work.

That's it really, I'm sure there are a number of players I have missed out, when mentioning people not nominated for certain awards and obviously, feel free to mention them when commenting here. It will make them feel better if not anything :). Again, it was just a bit of fun, so chill on the flame.

Thanks to all the players for a decent tournament and maybe there will be another XF NC, who knows, it depends on what's what.
Belgiumwiesek ... WHO!?!
BE on top once again :)
nice snoop!
toxic at MOP..........................
sorry, can't find words to describe this

rest of the awards are fine
true.. Czech Republic tentee was ownage ! <3


MVP -> wiesiek needs Poland instatt of Belgium :)
wtf does: MOP and MUP mean:S?
under- and overrated
Thanks for the infos!

Now seriously, i agree with votes.. as expected. Anyway there are some Australia and Japan as the most underrated players
Pedro is clearly the Most Valuable Pedobear.
Clown best engineer, gratz.
Yea, indeed. :/
I wasn't sarcastic, he deserves the title!
He's a great Engineer, no question. I don't think he deserves the award for this tournament though, considering he wasn't in it for very long. :(
Well lio who hardly plays engi does?
QuoteAgain, Lio shouldn't really be involved in this category, as he made far greater contributions to his team as other classes and in other areas. He rarely/if at all played as Engineer, so god knows why people chose him. (:P)

Learn to read Raikiri
Thank you. :P
YEyeye, I know u said it, but I just said it again, nub!
agree with xanah as medic, he revived more in final match radar defense than maus in whole tournament :P
mAus best medic = rofl
all others ok
So because mAus is like the best aimer and his class is medic -> so he is the best medic!

I get it!
i bet if he played one map engi they'd have made him best engineer to :o
nice read :P Chile ChileChileChileChileChileChileChileChile :D we did a good cup except for the out last match, for players problem :|
mvp tekoa and azatej (for the other countries that is) xD

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