GCRC 6v6 Qualifier

image: qualifier

ETL Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Qualifier
Sponsored by ETL & zOMBie

I will be sponsoring 1 team for the 6v6 portion of the Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup & offering half sponsorship to a 2nd team via the following qualifier.

: $30 Entry to Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup
: $15 Towards Entry to Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup*
*this is half the entry fee for 2nd place. In the event the 2nd place team cannot donate the other half, prize will go to 3rd place & so on & so forth

Teams I sponsor have no obligation to myself or ETL other than to show up & play.

Game mode: ETPro 3.2.6
Game type: 6v6 Stopwatch
Server settings: ETL 6v6 NA 3.1 Config*, PBBans Streaming, ETL Hub Flag Enabled
*config will be available Friday as 3.1 is not complete
Date: Sat. Oct 4, 2008
Slots: 8
Cupmodus: Single Elimination

Accepted teams & matches will be announced Friday Oct. 3rd. Times are set to Greenwich Mean Time. A World clock can be found here

Round 1 (4pm GMT)
Maps: radar, supply (final), Tie-Breaker: sos_secret_weapon

Round 2 (6pm GMT)
Maps: sw_oasis, bremen_b2, Tie Breaker: braundoerf_b4

Final (8pm GMT)
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, supply (final) Tie Breaker: adlernest

Spare me the map selection comments. If you don't like them I am sure another team will gladly fill the spot. Also I'm sure I'll get more than 8 apps so acceptance will be per my approval & not 1st come 1st serve.

Captains must be registered with ETL & incomplete apps will be rejected. (everything marked with a * is required.)

I do not have any Euro servers so it would be of great help if any teams that have one that does or can stream to PBBans to fill in the server info in the app. If you're not participating but have a server you would like to offer for this please contact me via pm here at Crossfire or at #evilterritory. If no euro servers are made available matches will be played on N.American east coast servers.

Click Here To Sign Up


Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup: http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=12
Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup Rules & Overview http://evilterritory.com/dbcrcup.html
Charity: Gateway For Cancer Research
Letter of confirmation: http://evilterritory.com/gateway.pdf
NA Server Sponsor: http://www.etgamehosting.com/
Contact: [email protected]
IRC: #evilterritory
Current Prize Sponsors: ETGameHosting
Related: An interview with z0MBie
GL :))))))
Also just to throw this out, ETL has changed it's policy on cvar bans. If you have a cvar ban & it's over 90 days old you are now eligible for any ETL events or leagues.

imo only cvars like ot_logo kik_aim and other pub bots should be sanctioned for 90days

other etbot cvars like xx_ dk_ = 6-12 months imo :(

if you have a case where he claims its a public bot (i.e somoeone tricked him) i can tell you if its an nC bot or not if you want :p
Well for our regular league its a season suspension now which runs about almost 3 months with pre-season....

Quotecvar violations will be a season suspension. Meaning if you are suspended in week 5 of Season 3, you will be suspended until week 5 of season 4. All cvar violations are still at our discretion. Players with bans for multiple cvar violations may receive permabans or remain permabanned.

Obviously different cvars throw up different flags so thats why I worded it so that it's still at our discretion.

I just got tired of banning good players permanently who made a mistake with a config or whatever. We just wanted the most cheat free environment we could provide. We're only wrapping up our 2nd season & our ban list is approaching 90 players even though only about 15 of em were cvar bans. It's a sad state really.

I appreciate the offer to help. I will give you a shout if I need something. For the most part were pretty well covered n the AC department. I have a former CAL AC admin & the other is the author of his own 3rd party AC client.
nice initiative, gl
the logo is missing an R. good luck
rofl thanks for pointing that out

Nice initiative!
really GG!
good job, too bad im not avi to play then :'(
we would play but saturday sucks
too bad it's on saturday
omg proneeeeeee
respect to ETL crew and this project! wish you best luck!
nice banner GL
need a team ^^, pm me
cancer fags
TLR will sign up.
Approved Teams

Turbo Apinat
New Age Gaming
The Last Resort

Will post more info here in a few
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