Wicked Wednesday!

image: img_ac62e8e024152b9320644a902305de36
Thank to Sean' for the banner!

Yes, wicked wednesday is upon us! Just today, the new season of the ClanBase EuroCup has started off with a suprising game between AnonymousS.N. Battalion and Finland Vicious & Evil. I wont tell you how that went, if you want to, just watch the re-play! A promising start it was at least!

But thats not why we find ourselves here. Tonight we'll see one game, but a very interesting one at least. I am talking about the old thrill of the mill, The all known confrontation between Finland Incomplete and Germany HighBot! Always a nice game a watch, they have already confronted each other last time in the EC which went straight to the Finnish side after a thrilling game on braundorf and supply. But will they be able to step up to that same performance again?

  • Finland Fel
  • Finland crosby
  • Finland Spirea
  • Finland Tunesa
  • Finland Raptor
  • Finland vauhtikissa
  • Finland Stuka
  • Turkey fireBall
  • Germany FlixX
  • Germany haZer
  • Germany duKe_
  • Germany HumM3l
  • Germany TBA

Finland Incomplete:
This team has been together for a long time and also have a nice history if we're talking about playing EC. Being participent in several EC's, winning versus Highbot last season and even manage to end up as 4th in the EC XV , they are sure to pick as favourites tonight, if there is a clear difference.

Quote by Inc.Raptor-I'm not quite sure what to expect. We started to prac when the groups were published and our quali was pretty much the first game with Vauhti, so our preparation is not one of the best. I guess it's going to be 4-2, but for who? :)

Germany HighBot:
Recently joining the ranks of the 8bits organisation, team HumM3l is also known for its steady appearance in EC's. Usually coming back once every seasonto play the EC they too have a line up consisting of players who know each other for a long time and the potential to make alot of trouble.

Quote by 8B-criaturaHBHighBot is again competing like the last years and a strong and disciplined team, but atm we got some troubles, I hope it will get it fixed for the match against Incomplete. I know them really good and i'll say they're really strong, but they are beatable. I played them with minuS-Gaming and it was a close match. The best teamplay will make the win.


A rather hard one to call, both teams have the experience, teamplay and skill to give each other a run for the hills. Although Incomplete came out as winners last time, you never know what will happen in a game of ET. If HighBot has managed to stay active and practice I can see them taking this 4-2, otherwise my bet would be the same as last time, 4-0 for Incomplete.

Odds: Finland Incomplete 1.71 vs Germany HighBot 2.42

image: game6706
izi 4 highbot
Inc wasnt 4th last season but one before it
Wicked wicked, jungleman's machine!

Seems like teams who has been praccing is going to win this year
nice post rewolf, i knew you can do it !!
Gl suomipallos hope you are better than us!
dont worry, they will......
korkeebotit vie
gl incomplete!
direct invite vs qualifier, result is obvious

and n1ce post
SNB = qualy
v&e = direct invite
Yes and that result was obvious too then!
gl spirea n humm3l !
all money on inc
too bad that i cant play :(

gL guys!
gl both :O)
From my own games against these teams I'd say it will be 4-2 for Inc!
I'd say 4-2 for HB, from my own games !
I'd say 0-0 tied, from my own games!
I was right once again! noob!
tbfh ! we pracced vs HB last night, we kinda raped em :D so yeah, you were right ! i was a bit too lazy to edit, sorry for that master.
we pracced vs Inc last night and we kinda raped them so I was already worried if my bet was wrong!
gl spirea :)
Nice banner
will be a great match.. like last EC :) .. and the ec before.. and before... and ...

anyway this time HB wil take it ! ;)

gl both <3
Incomplete will take it, gl though duKe_ and HumM3L
goo highbot!
Spirea <3
gL duke_ i would be impressed if you shoutcast and play at the same time.

maybe you should let me do it!
4-2 for Incompletez0r!
vae seems to be awful
Nice banner :D i think i know that image from someone (:XD )
Yea, your stocks are good.. I can never find enough ET related ones :(
;) im glad that someone can do nice banners with them. i rly like this banner...
money on inc gl spirea and hummel
If Spirea + Stuka have a bit more support, Inc will take it. CB war report from this game will be up @ thursday/friday.
gl hB <3
HIGHBOT is playing EC every season, but still they are not going to win anyone
Nice banner and good work!
gl mikko
GL both, may you have closed games!
gl stuka and other finns!
gl guys <3
there should be news about back of naice banners!
who the hell is vauhtikissa?
cmon highbot!!!!!
nice banner :)
toss casting :)
nice banner & coverage
nice post!...nice banner :)

Sean pmme pls ... need ur banner knowledge :pp
ugly banner!
team hummel with problems? unexpected!
The banner looks nice :)
hB will take it !
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