ESL ET Weekly, MMC and more

image: fallbanner

Last week we saw our #8 Instant Cup taking place with the following result:
Finland Vicious and Evil
Europe Baroque workS
Russia black
(Hall of Fame)


This week we will see two more cups in our Instant Cup series. One in 1on1 and another in 6on6 format. See the following for more details on the 1on1 Cup:

2nd October 2008 17:00 CET

16 Slot , Double elimination , best of one & checkin (means with Looserbracket & 1map)

ctf_multi, ctf_well, mp_sillyctf, multi_huntplace, te_valhalla

Here (until 16:30) & Checkin here (16:30-16:40) (late signup possible until 16:55)


The result of the 1on1 Cup:
Germany crush3r
Germany soLo
Estonia JyrkZ
(Final Bracket)

The 6on6 Cup will be as follows:

5th October 2008 15:00 CET

16 Slot , Single elimination , best of one & checkin (means with Looserbracket & 1map)

Supply, bremen_b2, sw_grush, frostbite, sw_battery, radar ,sp_delivery

Here (until 14:30) & Checkin here (14:30-14:40) (late signup possible until 14:55)


Premium Accounts leastwise for the winner & Shoutcasted and broadcasted final/3rd place match by (Czech Republic smOke & Germany duKe_)

If you are new to the ESL you can follow the Starter Guid or ask an admin in

Pay attention to the Check In 30min before cupstart and the Lower Bracket so you do not leave after one loss as you can still fight your way back to victory.

Most Matches Competition

For the first time the Most Matches Competition of the ESL is hosted in the International Section. Enemy Territory joined the club and signed up with its 1on1 Ladder. This competition is about playing as much matches as possible within the given month and win some nice prizes.
If you want to know more about this competition read this news over at ESL.
To signup for the 1on1 Ladder follow this link

ESL ET Weekly

And there is another new thing we can present to you. We like to introduce to you ESL ET Weekly. Here we will post anything that is going on in ESL ET every week. This could be Cups , new Seasons, actions like the MMC or as in this episode an interview with vae|twidi whos team competed and won the last Instant Cup.
Read the first ever episode of ESL ET weekly over here.

And finally a linklist with everything important:
Nice banner.

Gl for everyone at this cup
thx for the pics btw xD
that's hot
Fin for the win
go go go sign up :-)
gl, cu there :)
nice work keep it up
signed up again, hoping to see atleast one EC team in it this time :(
great work eiM! btw I am smOke with O nor 0. Because I am not zero ofc ;) And as twidi stated, hope some big names as TLR, Mamut or at least re-play horde going to sign up!
i know that but failed at typing it while playing 6on6 :<
merc avi for the 6on6 cup :(
lol soLo :D epic fail :>
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