own3D 2.0 beta HQ Video site released!

image: crossfire

It took us nearly 2 intensive months to get this site online and we welcome all of you to take a look. This new Beta release offers you high quality x264 videos from all genres for all eSport games. Nearly all own3D.at / own3D.eu users can simply login with their old account, only those users with special characters in their name will have to re-register, because we disabled special char-nicknames. This beta site will remain for around 1 month, after that we will make a closer step forward to the finished site.

So what is new between the old video section and beta.own3D.at ?
  • Convert your movie via website or offline with our own3D x264 converter.
  • Edit your movie information afterwards.
  • Change your thumbnail or upload your own thumbnail for your movie!
  • Comment, rate and discuss movies, no page-refresh will disturb you!

and much more ...

Please help us to improve this video site. How? Just use it, find bugs or something you do not like and post it at our bugblog - Yours nAxiD!
Nice Job.
finally news! ;) as I said at the journal, FUCKING AWESOME!@#!@#! <3
good one!
Nice work mate. Keep the good work.
Thanks for all the past work ;)
looks promising!
You're the man naxid.
nice work!
very nice
nice spamming crossfire while playing a scrim against us :o)
was after the scrim twister :D
i only chat with girls during scrims ;D
keep up the good work!
i predict serious trouble with your hoster within the next few days.
fucking awesome!
absolutely awesome.

big up for ze austrians!
nice but could you upload back iratus 2 own3d plz :(
Try it on your own :-)
layout is f* awesome <3
very nice job amazing !!!!!!!!!!
Still miss DivX Web Player instead of flash.

Key features for Divx streaming:
  • HD playback
  • Full-screen mode
  • Win and Mac compatible
  • Skinnable and more...
full screen and compatibility between OS's is available in their current player as well. HD playback might be useful for a few movies, however it would cost way more bandwidth... Being able to reskin the web player isn't that useful imo.

Not saying it shouldn't be done, but there are most likely things yet to be done which are more useful.
The difference between the Divx player and the flash player is simple:

- Flash is License free!
- DivX is coded by a company, the flash player (especially the hq thing behind this player) is by the community.
- Using the flash player (and with it x264 codec) offers you a way more settings to change
- Player can be modified

But point 1 is the main reason, iam sure divx has more options in high quality video watching.
DivX Web Player is free to use but they have a No Commercial Use” policy.
And for the encode just use xvid its free, easy to use and opensource i think.
Compere the quality between the flash videos on own3d and this video in fullscreen.
The only real down side i see is that it may cost more bandwidth.

The Key features i just copy pasted from stage6. Learn more about DivX Web Player on:
It doesnt look HD on 1600x1200 but the quality is really good, keep it up !

http://beta.own3d.at/watch/out-of-the-way-iii---renaissance,1733.html wow really good quality just cheked the video
Really nice quali :')
great news!
Its nice, but I prefer the current (v1?) design.
Nice job, but the design (layout), I don't really like it..

Ex. http://www.wipido.com/
doesn't realy looks like high quality to me, and I prefer the old design
well, if you dont watch it on full screen, its pretty naiss imo :')
yeh but in full screen quali sucks big time + it looks like the movie is getting stretched to fit the height of the screen.
Its flash and so the output resolution (especially fullscreen) cannot be better than the input resolution, so it`s interpolated like a flat-screen do if you don`t use the right resolution :)
well but movies get streched when they are widescreen! fix that plas now it's unwatchable in fullscreen
sounds nice
again.. nice naxid :) !
video quality seems a bit blurry, the layout is nice though, i always hated the fact that you cant search properly on own3d.at
its almost as swertcw would be back *littletearinmyeye* :) great work - keep it coming
The embed-code "doesn't work".

"Embed code: <embed "

THOUGH, if you mark it and copy it its correct like this:

<embed src="http://beta.own3d.at/player/" width="636" height="380" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="id=10031" />

But I think it looks bad and the pedagogy fails when it only says <embeded
fixed ! Thanks !
No, thank you =)
really good job! =)
Nicely done
Much Much MUCH better layout.. so much easier to find what i need compared to the older site. : )
nice one :)
its so good:)
finaly i can see what im watching:D
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