Let The Show Begin! *UPDATED*

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So here we find ourselves, in the week preceding my birthday, staring into the void of the weekend without a game listed yet on the gtv schedule. And normally, no, there would be no problem with this - after all, the weekend is designed for visits to the `culbs`, for visiting your grannies, and for giving your fellow skinheads a good serving on the sports pitch. Hell, some of you make even mark the weekend by chucking an extra between-map dellekes into the frituurpan. Regardless of what you do, it`s all going to change this weekend. And why you probably wonder. After all, those dellekes sure are tasty. Well I`ll tell you why:

This weekend marks the opening match of the King of the Hill tournament so widely publicised in Crossfire ever since it`s first mention all those weeks ago. Because it`s the first week, we`re limiting it to only the one game, but I`m sure you`ll agree it`s rather more than just a tasty prospect!

image: e%5ebanner [img|left]http://www.warning-team.org/users/foonr/hx.jpg[/img]The two teams taking part are the formidable force of Croatia elite and the mighty Europe helix, both hoping to emerge with the coveted crown and title, King of Crossfire.

image: game533 We`re already arranging the ETTV, and hopefully soon a shoutcaster will join forces to make this a truely memorable first match for the KOTH format. Until then, all you need to know:

Match: Croatia elite vs Europe Team Helix
Date: Sunday, May 21st
Maps: sw_goldrush (hx), adlernest (elite)
Time: 21:30 CET
ETTV: GTV id / 533
Shoutcast: Listen - http://www.flyingdj.net:8000/listen.pls

So lets forget about all the hard work that has gone into getting this far, and lets just enjoy the action!

Clan xfire pages:

Helix - http://www.xfire.be/?x=clans&mode=item&id=38
elite - http://www.xfire.be/?x=clans&mode=item&id=22
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