FAT games on tuesday

image: groupcrx3

Clanbase EuroCup is back on Tuesday with 3 Matches. We will see Europe re-play zZz in their first match vs Europe S.N Battalion, which started perfectly with a 4:0 vs Vicious and Evil. Europe zeroE – dNan will also start into this Eurocup today. They will try to beat Finland Vicious and Evil to kick them outta the tournament. And last but not least the comeback of United Kingdom Fatgames, who picked up ex polar – pi. Their opponent is an well known croatian team, also known as Croatia Cortana. So we got 3 very nice and exciting matches this evening.

United Kingdom Fatgames versus Croatia Cortana
Time 21:00 CET
Admin Poland
United Kingdom Fatgames: jauhis,m1lk, snoop, syk, tiigeri, toxic
Croatia Cortana: calisto, fra, gmx, GuNnEr, komar, mama

Its a very hard call. Fatgames will be the favourite of the match but Cortana practiced a lot. Cortana may have a chance on Adlernest, also known as Lottonest. Radar should be no problem for Fatgames, if they practised. Still, Fatgames got great players and I think they will win 4:0. Lets all hope for an exciting Match !!!

Short Statements of the participants

United Kingdom
Considering that we as FatGames are an extremly new team and have only practiced once (and that was with two mercs :D) then we will not be on top form in any sense of the word. However i can feel the very strong potential of this team already so i remain hopefull. I know cortana is quite strong in the aspect that they have played for a very long time together so i would say 4-2 to FatGames [/hide]

If everybody plays with a cool head and sticks to the tactics I'm sure we can make it a interesting game for the spectators. When I say everybody I mean everybody, because we can't afford to make mistakes since we are playing versus a team with 6 top players. I really can't say anything more about them because we didn't have the chance to play them so far, so we really don't know what to expect from them as a team.



Belgium TLR{ dAv1d: I'm pretty sure it will be a tight game. If you see the lineups you will sure say fatgames will win imo they will win but cortana will take it to a decider since fatgames rarely prac and cortana does.. So 4-2 for fatgames

Croatia cor|gmx: they have 6 players, we have 6 players, so it can go either way



Good Luck and Have Fun both teams. And you guys, lay back and enjoy this great match!

image: game6807

Clanbase Eurocup XVIII Roundup by Germany essAh and Netherlands ReWolf.

Credits to Sean & Bullvox
snoop will play so 4:0 FG
gl mama
Comment Ignored (+)

Prob a dumbass comment anyway
Hey thats not nice :/
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 7 Oct 08, 15:40
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 7 Oct 08, 15:40
crook replied to your comment Crossfire 7 Oct 08, 15:40
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 7 Oct 08, 15:39
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 7 Oct 08, 15:38
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 7 Oct 08, 10:01
fredd replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 17:45
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 17:09
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 17:08
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 17:08
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 17:07
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 17:06
Noah replied to your comment Crossfire 6 Oct 08, 07:26

will u fuck off plz :<
No I wont hey :)
GL fra <3
But where is MYSTIC?
mystic:[ too bad he cant play:(

gl both teams!
gl fra/mama
go rob-wiz wooho!
gl fra I hope you will win but I think that fatgames will take it :(
Make me dream cortana
hf raping Croatia komar
crotards ftw
GL cortana ! go go Gunner !
im excited about if the game will actually be played^^
not at this rate =D
Can we play it at 21:30 ? I can't find you on irc
GL fra :).
cor will take it 4:2 imho
no Netherlands teKoa no win ( still banned?)
pak ze milch!
where's mystic
ez for crotards!
why on earth is the last line bigger then the actual title of the newspost ... If it wasnt such a great newspost, i'd call it attentionwhoring!
whats wrong mate ?
Nice edit, great coverage :P
Good post! Not enough puns or alliteration in the headline though :op

mm adlers always 50/50 but fatgames mix take it 4 0
meez: lio's ingame leadership will take the game

so gl lio
gl cor guys :P especially fra =D
thx m8 ! :x your heat couldn't be handled by me !
Izy 4 mama & komar GL
zeroE &#821
ho picked up ex polar &#8211; pi. Their op

only here this mistake ?
goet lak vet spellen
Gl cortana! Nice statement gmx :XD
:/ France crybaby
gl gmx from ur fanboy redshirt ^^
Is it mardi gras already?
googled & grinned
Fra will win it!
GL m1lk & fra!
why is it only about fatgames, while there are 2 other ec matches aswell today
what are you whining? there's one whole sentence about it!

"zeroE &#8211; dNan will also start into this Eurocup today. They will try to beat Vicious and Evil to kick them outta the tournament."
ohh didnt notice it!, well amazing newspost than!
still looking for attention :o( ?
so you dont agree its weird?
Easy one for Jewhis. 4-0 to Fat gamers.
allez fra et gunner! 4-0 pour vous xd
Pretty stylish banner to be honest :-)

Nice, keep writing these reviews!
we had some internet problems!
still lagging the whole time?
gogo GuNnEr :D !
It's a game, you're supposed to have fun playing it.
gl gunner !
Nice banner "High" LOLS
no mystic, no win.
Well deserved loss :o)
Nice banner :P gg Cortana
You have € 10 on Cor
You won € 94.1

If only it was real money :)
Where is Rimi?
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