Decisive Encounter!

image: groupasb2

A first encounter on the Thursday evening, is what is up for you this time! Group A continues it's exciting show, with Europere-play zZz vs Netherlands Zero Empathy dNan! An intersting game this will be, not only if we look at both team's previous results, but also by means of skill and the setting around the match itself.
Europe Re-play, who haven't played a game yet, still need to experience their first taste of EC priveledge. With only one player in their roster who is EC-experience, their most important job would be not to get their nerves get them and perform like they always did!
Netherlands Zero Empathy, on the other hand, have played their first game against the favorites of the group, Finland Vicious & Evil, from whom they suprisingly managed to take a map. The team has enough experience to keep their nerves in order, while looking at their roster we can see a big variety of newschoolers, oldschoolers, EC and NC experienced players!

Re-play zZz]
  • Estonia hell
  • United Kingdom Griim
  • United Kingdom w3st
  • Yugoslavia Lazio
  • Finland toNi
  • Norway Eirik
  • Estonia al
  • Hungary Nonix
Zero Empathy dNan]
  • Netherlands Ati_
  • Netherlands modus
  • Netherlands hayaa
  • Netherlands joop
  • Netherlands/Norway Domi
  • Netherlands haarbalkut
  • Netherlands Ronner
  • Netherlands Leonneke
  • Belgium isEN
Time: 20.30 GMT
Maps: Adlernest & Radar

Europe Re-play zZz:
A team which has been together for a relative long time now (in ET terms, that is), they won last season's OC Premier and thus find themselves on step higher upon the ladder. Not the most skilled compared to the others with neither the same amount of experience, this team represents the rewards of playing as a team and improving yourself. And it is this what they need the most in the group A, playing as a team and letting their nerves get the better of them and they might even suprise us all.
Player to watch: United Kingdom Griim

Quote by re-play|griimWell I honestly have very little idea about how this game is going to go, we are quite well prepared but still make stupid mistakes. I guess the result will depend on how many stupid mistakes we make.
[17:56] <re-play|hell> "PS. I'm a fat nigger".

Netherlands Zero Empathy dNan:
This team has already proven to be able to take upcoming active and skilled teams head on by winning their qualifier versus FiF*Green, a team similar to today's opponent in many ways. Besides that, the advantage of experience is also upon dNan. Looking at their roster we can see a mix of oldschool players and some newer talents, guided by the EC and NC experienced in their team. Already played 1 game against Finland Vicious & Evil, they managed to show that they wont be beaten easily by taking 1 map from them. But still, they too need to keep their nerves in check, because they can't afford another loss if they want to keep an eye on the Play Offs!
Player to watch: Netherlands joop

Quote by zeroE'joopI think and hope it will be a close match. They've been playing with each other for quite some time now which is in their favour. Adding Hungary Nonix to the roster should give them even more confidence. If we play the best we can I'm sure we can win this match, but I think we'll need a decider.


Again, one of those games which is hard to predict. Both teams having their ups as downs, it will come down to ho will make the first blow to each other's confidence. Europe Re-play needs to make sure that they can keep theirselves focussed on the job ahead and not lose themselves in the grandeur feeling of reaching the highest level, while dNan must make sure they dont go down on the pressure of winning this game. While they have more to play for and more to lose,Europe Re-play knows that if they lose this as well their chances of continuing the EC are getting real slim.
All by all, these teams are equel to each other in aspects of taking the win. Both having to prove themselves, one with experienced players in a new team, while the other has no experience on this level but a well estabelished team base to boost it up with big beats hopefully.
No matter what, I can see this turning out in a real close called 3-map thriller which will be taken by Re-play in the end, eager to show their newfound worth and that they're more then just 'another OC winner', with 4-2.

Odds: Europe Re-play zZz 1.93 vs Netherlands Zero Empathy dNan 2.08

image: game6703
nice post!
Isn't it re-play sleeperz.
zZz or Sleeperz, both the same tbh.
izi 4 Aleks gl mate <3
graphics designer gets a cookie!
What kind of cookie?!
The usual one!

image: Best_Cookie-20
gogo Griim :D
nice rewolf
gl dave
we are not Benelux
It's not heyA, but hayaa (It was funny the first weeks though, but now it's getting annoying -.-)

edit: the lineup isn't even right ;o
I had to laugh again :D
me to, but hayaa doesn't when he finds out ;p
gl domi!
.gL non1x?!
4:2 dNan
Nice read :)) but c`mon how many times can you fuckup some line-up from us?

rofl @ Eiriks flag...
Already pm'ed him the rigt one but has gone offline ;<<
Unexpected ;D
Blame faulty information displayed on other sites then :< Already edited it though
True, they don't edit it =(
Already pmmed mundus, i heard some others also did that... so.. blame CB :D
Like everyone else does!
my lovely whiner :D
You play with the obvious cheater hunter :( not my fault i get whiney then D:
I can't tell you whether he cheats or not, but he hasn't been busted during 5 years of active playing :C I don't think he cheats though.
We thought the same about seNti,
stop whining retard
:( on school?
should be a really nice game and i think replay 4:2 might take this on a decider map
replay 4 - 2 dnan
nice read mate
No rat No win
dNan will take it.
gl overload
4-2 to dnan I guess
gl hf both
too easy for replay :'(
replay wins if i play
you probably need to,my internet is being gay!
uh oh, we could play prac yesterday tho..
surprise that u choosed Griim :D
Surprise Surprise! Otherwise he wouldnt want to play with me :< Also, as far as I know, he has been performing really well lately, so that might be a reason too.
You're just jealous!
Player to watch from dnan is modus tbfh!
Wat is dat nou joop! gewoon erover heen lopen!
easy for w3st
Looking forward to this match.
I was impressed with Zero-E's performance against VaE so I would hope this is a close match.
I am rooting for Re-Play to win though ofc ;D

Gl lads, gl Homer.

Nice pre-match post Wolf <3
Paul, Somehow.
Or Patrick :<
Are you going to play Nonix ?
Best of luck then.
Hát elkelett :D
gl lazio & co, eventho dNan seems to be pretty strong becuz of playing with ze spho & modus ! <3
you forget me asshole!
You aint that pro !
gl eirik
good luck dnan
player to watch should be hayaa for dNan, although nice post
gl both teams :)
omgoat joop5hs!
4-2 sleeperz, go Eirick!
GoodLuck modusex,Dominator,Ati_Radeon,HAARBALSPHO
4-2 dnan imo
Epic statement - hell strikes again.
dave's fault :(
good luck w3st <3

Wolfcast with ReWolf (in English)

Coming up soon.

Limited Slots.
Was a good game, close on radar. Wp dNan (zeroE)
cb war report online soon
Ye, I need to write that^^
it was 3-1 not 4-0 @ CB
will be edited, sorry
Now we can play with 6 coverts vs snb! NAISE!
haha hayaa hitcounter 36! wnb
you still can get into playoffs - sleeperz winning all matches + you beating snb
Quotesleeperz winning all matches
NOT going to happen
Quoteyou beating snb
NOT going to happen either ;p
A little bit of whine there Ati_?
ehhh no, facts, "OMG I LOST BY LAG" thats whine ..
I see what you are trying to say, just checking. K
how could we've lost that...
naja kga op vakantie latieeeee
waaorm ben je online dan kneusje ;p
Veel plezier he!
why is everyone saying fail?
wt did you fuck up?
I guess I'll need a bit more time for war report- my cat pressed some buttons on keyboard and I lost everything I wrote :( lol
The cat, huh.
the cat ate ur keyboard ? :D
He probably pressed ctlr + <- and I lost all data as I was writing report directly at cb site ^^
Nice post, bad banner.
Wait, otherway around.
No wait, theyre both shit.
Blind Cunt, bbz.
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