GCRC 6v6 Final Notice

image: gateway2

Just reminder the deadline for the Don Baker GCRC is this tonight Oct. 10 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Here is the current team pool. Those marked with a [D] have made their donation.

Netherlands 8b1ts FiFy [D]
Belgium 8b1ts FiFg [D]
Europe 8b1ts FiFr [D]
United Kingdom clownZ &
Finland dfiance [D]
United States of America *Evil* [D]
Anonymous Open Slot
Estonia innermind
United States of America NET
United Kingdom jAh.et
Slovenia mamut.si [D]
United States of America excel [D]
United States of America :+: [D]
Europe TLR [D]
Europe Titanz~ [D]
Europe VAE [D]

Those who have not donated need to do so by the deadline. It is imparative that these teams contact me immediately. If there are any other teams willing to fill these slots or the open slot please contact me right away.

Click here to make your donation

I am also happy to announce that we have worked out a sponsorship deal with Nationvoice. Aside from donating 2 Ventrilo servers as a prizes, they have made a generous $100 donation which is going into the prize pool. If need be we will go with 12 teams as we have 11 for certain now. In the event we do not fill the open slot or have an even amount of teams, ETL will use $30 of this for a Nationvoice sponsored final team. I will make a post on Saturday if this is needed. I am still searching for sponsors. I sent out 26 Emails on Mon & another 15 yesterday.

If all 16 teams make their donations, we are looking at the following

$580 total accumulated
$348 to Gateway

2 month 20 man etpro from etgamehosting.com & 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice
2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice

If we only get 12

$430 total accumulated
$258 to Gateway

2 month 20 man etpro from etgamehosting.com & 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice
2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice

Lastly a reminder to team captains to please update their rosters. If you have donated you should have ownership of your team when you login. If you do not or you need help send me a pm either here or at ETL or grab me on IRC.

Brackets will be made available tomorrow[/b]
nice, hope it'll be a succes!
goodluck! (+hf teams)
Good cause, good luck fellah.

You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
hmm intresting, only reason you would be getting that is for IP bans I have in the .htaccess

Which I've only a few in there for spamming the sign up forms
killerboy busted :P
i don't even have an account there :<
one of the bans was a subnet ban, I removed it. Wouldnt intentionally ban you, not sure whats up.
still getting the same error o_O

my ip: (static)
I really don't know bud

QuoteOrder Deny,Allow
Deny from
Deny from

thats all thats in there. What browser?
looks great, looking forward to it :o
tip: never cross serious things with gaming
true.. waiting for the first idiot to post: "die on cancer!"
ya cause nobody's benefiting from this at all
just ignore him, he's an angry and troubled child :/
dont know which one of us play 8 hours counter strike daily
playing CS doesn't make one a troubled person
tell to your girlfriend, oh wait...
gl to all teams ! :) nice cup, looking forward for it.
United States of America exel = United States of America excel, nice.
excel paid but they only have 3 players on their roster?
Rosters aren't completely filled in yet.
Effort appreciated greatly, too bad my team wasn't able to participate.
netz are cheap XD
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