Tagging up the Fatties!

image: groupcrx3

Finally its time to relax, sit back and enjoy a quiet moment of serenity after all the EC hussle of sunday. A spectacular day, filled with expected wins over thrilling matches, we can only find 1 game on for tonight!

As you may have figured out by reading the header, it's all about Europe TAG.et versus Europe Fatgames. Once again, the papers provide us with the possible look out on an interesting showdown. Both teams losing their 1st match, one on a very expected way while the other went down on an unexpected way. To keep the Play Off ticket chances in their own hands both teams need to win tonight, but unfortunately, there can only be one...

  • Malta toxic
  • Germany sNoOp
  • Finland jauhis
  • Finland Tiigeri
  • Netherlands M1lk
  • United Kingdom syK
  • BONUS PLAYER: United Kingdom eVo
Player to watch: Malta toxic
  • Netherlands abort
  • Belgium bobot
  • Germany rise
  • United Kingdom Ross
  • United Kingdom med1xza
  • Latvia FUZZ
  • Croatia aCoZz
  • Netherlands Hope
  • Germany midas
Player to watch:United Kingdom Ross

Time: 19:30 GMT
Maps: Special_Delivery & sw_Goldrush

Europe Fatgames:
Being formed out of the ashes of polar-pi, this team is certainly one of the high contenders of a top-3 spot in this EC. Boosting players from all over Europe with experiences in various prestigious ET leagues and tournaments, they were destined to throw up high scores. Unlucky enough, this team seem to been gripped by the RL drama. Losing last match versus Croatia Cortana with their bonus Player eVo, because M1lk couldn't make it, they have something to make up now if they want to have chance to get that Play Off stage.
Quote by Fatgames'toxicAfter the defeat to cortana, it was kind of a wake up call for us, and even tho due to internet problems and other problems we didnt get any prac before the cortana game, now we got some prac in [with mercs] so it shouldn't be too bad. Looking ahead we need a mega-skillboost for the Europe TLR game and hoping a helping hand from god will come down

Quote by Fatgames'eVowell i think i dont know what to expect from tonights game, the team has been practicing hard since the defeat to Cortana, unfortunately it has been hard to get the full 6 there every night which is of course disappointing but nonetheless i think we should have enough to win tonight before the big challenge of TLR, 4:0 or maybe 4:2

Europe TAG.et:
Being known for their endless spam, in ET as well as on several community based websites, this team boosts more then just that. Winning the OC Premier flawlessly 2 seasons ago, they do have yet to proof that they can actually do more then that. Their first game wasn't what they could have hoped for though, losing blatantly with 4-0 against the highly favorites Europe TLR. Now they have another tough job ahead, although it has been shown that even favorites can be cracked down.
Quote by abort{We haven't pracced much with TAG recently, as I (and also the others) feel that this lineup doesn't work out (at all).. also I am aware of the fact that their lineup is stronger and they pracced (a lot) lately. Sad but true, this will be an easy game for them!

Quote by overdrive/bobotI have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many maps of struggle and suffering.


Although both teams don't seem to have the best preparation possible, this should only help to ensure a thrilling match. Being shown that they're not unbeatable Europe Fatgames need to play without mistakes here (as well as the next game) to win back the faith of the fans at least and at most for that one chance to go on.
Europe TAG has to play with full dedication and focus, even beyond of what they're usually capable of if they want to pull it off here. They can boosts themselves with the idea though that no matter what, they will still have the biggest spam in ET (and the biggest BBQ).
Although TAG will try at their hardest and best to bring the victory home here, I can't see Fatgames giving away the match here. They've got a grip on themselves and as long as they don't let go of that grip, this can only end in another predictable 4-0 loss for TAG.

Odds: Europe Fatgames 5.45 vs Europe TAG.et 1.22
image: game6901
nice rewolf :)
Same! :D Nice trying to make coverage too though :)
good luck snoop and eVo ofc if hes playing
GL R0SS :)
nice mate <3
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many maps of struggle and suffering.
Consider it done!
player to watch:GermanysNoOp pls...
player to watch: Belgium bobot pls...
player to watch: Germany midas pls...
gl snOOp & M1lk ;D <3
2eZ 4 Fatgames
nice title , nice read! well done :)
hmm fatgames left no chance for tag
How can you put ross as player to watch?
he was TAG's best player if you saw the game
Quote by Toxic ... Looking ahead we need a mega-skillboost for the TLR game and hoping a helping hand from god will come down

and hoping a helping hand from god ( Netherlands tekoa ?:p ) will come down
onesided for fatgames i suppose, at least lineup-wise
it was yesterday man xD
Good luck TAG & Fatgames, GL R0SS :D
Player to watch: Ross

whos that??

acozz is to be watched ofc
Good luck m1lk <3
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