QuakeWars acclaim heightens

image: the-annual-e3-awards-2006-20060518023448382 Despite never having played it, the casual ET player sitting at home and looking at gameplay promo vids seems decidedly dismissive of the forthcoming Splash Damage offering, with users continuing to give their views on one of the more recent journals.

Cuba vaGgi thinks that ET:QW sucks hard, whilst Austria n3co went for the similar no-nonsense approach, by advising us that et:qw = poo. Yet those who have actually played it, appear in the majority to like it, even if United Kingdom TosspoT doesn`t reckon it`s what this community wants.

One such name includes GameSpy, who have praised the game no end as part of their Annual E3 Awards program. The Awards sort games by a variety of different categories, including Best of Show, Best Multiplayer, Best PC game, and so on. Whatever the type of audience that will enjoy this game when it is eventually released, GameSpy judged it good enough to be awarded overall Best Multiplayer Game of 2006, and the fourth best game in the entire expo, from a guestlist that included both PC and console offerings:
Quote...in our brief playtesting time, we felt like we'd only begun to scratch the surface of all the different tactics that might be available on that map.
Obviously the issue with ET:QW we all want to know is how good it will be, but the question we should really be asking is how good a game it is overall, regardless of my personal preferences. And with awards like this coming it`s way, ET:QW looks certain to at least please some people this summer.
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