The witch hunt continues

Not long ago the ET-player United Kingdom razz was permanently banned from both ClanBase and WarLeagues activities. The witch hunt for cheaters has ever since continued on the European Enemy Territory scene; people crying out Cheat!!!111... left and right; of course some being busted for cheating.

Now the activity has moved on to the mother of ET, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as the player Sweden bhstyle[niggah]/nackjee was banned from WarLeagues today, with the following statement from WL:

QuoteWe do not tolerate anyone that cheats and if you do you will eventually be caught red handed. bhstyle[niggah]/nack was busted for .dll mismatching and he is guid is now currently banned on warleagues and all PBBANS streamed servers.

And further on it continues:
QuoteRemember - Cheating will not be tolerated and we will hunt you down if you do so. We are on an aggressive lookout for cheating clans/players. We have a zero tolerance limit for cheaters and no-one that is using any kind of cheat should feel safe, because we will come for you!

There has been several journals and columns lately on Crossfire about cheating, which might lead to the questions: When will this witch hunt end? And will it ever end?

- WarLeagues.
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