Goliath find their new home!

The team that we all originally know as goliath left rewind just a week ago. The main reason for this move were some major problems within the rewind management and the lack of suppport the organisation could offer them.
We all know that goliath have had an amazing start this season, qualifying for EuroCup with a 4-2 win against Poland WoW and winning 3 matches out of 4 over at warleagues, taking the second place after Germany riZe.
And then perhaps the most surprising result just this thursday, taking a 4-2 win against, according to many the only real challengers for Estonia idle, Europe deMiurge.

After their departure from Europe rewind, Goliath have been looking out for a new roof above their heads and have now finally found one that truly matches with their results of late.


Without further ado, I would like to present to you Europe Northern Darkness . ET:

Netherlands team-nd kris
Croatia team-nd aCoZz (teamleader)
Estonia team-nd asd.
Slovenia team-nd Jakazc
Croatia team-nd gmx
France team-nd emoReJ
Belgium team-nd dAv1d

and Netherlands team-nd rbnt (manager of nd.et)

I have gathered a statement from both teamleader Croatia aCoZz and from manager of Northern Darkness Netherlands Reckstar.


We have been working incredibly hard together these past few months to get this team on the level we are now. I am very satisfied with what we have reached and with nd behind us I feel we will only be able to push our performance further.


We're glad that the negotiations finished in both parties advantage. We as Northern Darkness scouted several teams as possible addition to our already succesfull line-up of teams. Looking back on all those teams, I think we made the right choice by adding this talented squad as our ND.ET squad because of the potential they showed us the last weeks. We hope this will turn out into a succesfull co-operation in the upcomming time we spend together.

I wish the team good luck for the rest of this season and I hope it will be long lasting cooperation.

Idle #nd.
For Northern Darkness website click here
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