Announcing FPS Radio

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Announcing FPS Radio

What started out as a lonely 32 slot ETL only weekly shoutcast (ETL Radio) has outgrown the confides of a single league broadcast & needs to run as it's own entity in order to achieve it's full potential.

ETL Radio is now FPS Radio & is currently running a 100 slot shoutcast with the potential to run up to 500 slots, all sponsored by Primary Target. This is all due to the hard work & dedication of ETL's own Rocky & the suprising talent of our new shoutcaster, ETL's own Mistaken. Great work guys.

Click here to visit the all new FPS Radio

Plans are in the works to expand into several leagues & cover several games. As a result the FPS-Radio guys are in search of new talent & help.

From the FPS Radio website

QuoteWe at FPS-RADIO know that whenever you expand or grow into new areas, you must grow with the company. So the following is a list of positions we need to fill:

- News Administration
Your day to day duties would require you to surf the league/game sites that we are associated with and make sure that any new news that is pertinent to FPS-RADIO is displayed on our main page.

- Game Reviewers
Your day to day duties would require you to become knowledgeable with any new updates to games we participate in, and report the changes via Forums or News selection on the FPS-RADIO site.

- Net DJs
Your day to day duties would require you to login on a scheduled time for X amount of determined days, and provide music and/or news entertainment to the listeners.

- Match Casters
Your day to day duties would require you to cast scheduled events that we showcase for our listeners.

If you think you are capable of handling any of these duties, please feel free to post your contact information and a brief description of yourself in our forums, or contact the Station Manager via Xfire at thaalin.
nais effort <3
Sweet, ET has badly been missing an english speaking shoutcaster for some time. Mistaken is pretty decent too... american voices are just cool. :(
Only one can be the best and you know it.
GL mistaken and the radio ;D
GL Mistaken
nice work
I can help you in some DJing, Shoutcasting (have done that all)
Contact me via crossfire or email [email protected]

PS! Website design sucks
You'r soooo gonne get an invite now... ever tried social skills?
He made the site tard
Nice social skills, lol
social skillness is reserved for the socially skilled, lol :D
gl mistaken
gl sounds nice
ask wakizashi for his DJ skills 8]
Would be more than happy to DJ/Cast! I'm not boring at all i swear.
We needs Pansy!
need more cowbell
She could be bigger than Trillian!
in actual size or in popularity ;p
You need BaZ !!
Pansy ftw. Or flying dj
Congrats, more casting stations the better!
im dj np
All those radio stations. Honestly I do not think that it will survive long. Sorry, but it just does not have what it takes. I mean without payed Shoutcasters you will reach nothing at these times. There are a way better Radios outside which provide better music, and in the language of each listener. In my opinion you should first of all kick out the DJ function, you will never get more than 10 listeners. I have experienced this myself. I know how hard it is to get a radio going, but even if you have really ambitious commentators, they will leave as soon as they have a sort of reputation in a community.
But good luck, though
Honestly, everything outside of match shoutcasts is just filler so it doesn't really matter. The name "FPS" insinuates that it is intent.To assume that they are concerned about music is ignorant. They're simply trying to offer others a creatiive outlet when the radio isn't being used for shoutcasts.

QuoteSorry, but it just does not have what it takes.

Funny that mistaken is getting several request daily to shoutcast various matches.Funny it's the only English radio I see being posted to cover matches on gamesTV.
Well, if you say it is the only English Radio being posted should be a hint. So why is there only you shoutcasting? Why did not anyone else get the idea of shoutcasting a match in English?
There have been many English Radios in the past, but there was none which lasted very long. The commentators are leaving the radio to go to some better equipped station or the commentators are losing their fun in shoutcasting. Either way it means the radio will die. Without investing money and having something new to show, there is no use in starting a new radio. There have been so many other radios around, why should yours make it and last longer or be successful?

Furthermore if you see mistaken is actually kind of "famous" related to his shoutcast activity ( which actually does not mean a lot, every person who has shoutcasted is asked a hundred times a day to shoutcast someone's match), a founder of a "bigger" radio doing competitive game covery, would get interested.
The point is that it takes a lot of itme to build up a radio and it is senseless since you will never become as big as the others. That is what I experienced.

yours servoo
I didnt know I was famous :D
He is just buttering your biscut bro.
Ya I've heard the "you'll fail" in every gaming or ET related venture I've taken on.

I'm not worried about it.
Hey, it is no offense. I was just stating some clear facts. But good luck.

Actually mistaken is doing a good job, no doubt. But it will be hard to etablish in this buisness.

ya I know & I didn't take it personal. I guess I just look at it differently. It's all in what your expectations are & we've never been a group that expects much. We just do what we do cause we enjoy it & we enjoy that others enjoy it & let the cards fall where they will.
Aight, if you know what you are up to, it is ok then. But I thought you might take it a step to serious. I am sorry for all these sentences then.

good night
Shut up you cock ....
Thanks for your comment... Please be more detailed next time if you want to argue.
very sexy! :-)))
i see the duties but where are the rewards!
there already was a fpsradio shoutcast station
good luck! hope to see more shoutcasts of ESL matches too ;)
so you got the nice guys of giga2 only for your stupid cs&cod?
nice, good luck
daily duties? where is the money?

just remember nothing is for free! If you don't pay the caster they will leave you asap if they get the chance to go to a bigger station.
I could be dj!
evilzombie! You know where I am if you want some *real music* playing on your radio :)
I would like to do some stuff but I don't think I'm cut out for a shoutcaster :D.

I could do DJ'ing but it seems boring.

PS: Why the DJ function? Wouldn't you rather go listen to real radio instead of some random noob dj'ing.
Have to agree with the points about how long it will survive without providing further incentives for people to continue casting along with or instead of other oppurtunities. We'll see...

Good luck have fun.
Come back ffs ;p
Tsk tempting but rugby, gf and shoolwork taking priority atm ;) plus the PC can run css but not ET.. go figure =p
how does that happen? rugby in america is ftw also. :D
True - recently beat some Canadian high school team. Beats me, I don't have a clue how it works, ET just seems to freeze with some texture/gfx issue whereas css seems to run fine.
how much you want per month to comeback? ;)

I'll be playing some tunes soon probably :D
gl guys.
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