Crossfire Poll inspires Political debate!

Paul 'ReDeYe' Chaloner of both QuadV and the CGS has today published his article on the upcoming US Election titled, The Gamers' Election, inspired by Nellie's most recent Poll

QuoteIs Crossfire a polarizing community that represents the true views of most gamers when it comes to the general election? I think probably not, but I was interested to investigate further and find out which candidate would be best for gamers. Which candidate supports professional gaming and casual gaming? Which candidate would like to banish games from our lives and regulate more?

You can read the full article here
omg more fame for nellie pls
He'll be appearing on BBC tonight!
There was an interview with me on bbc a few days ago :DD. Regarding the economy in iceland haha :D
"economy in iceland"

Tell me more!
Barely existing.
that sucks :<
i need wank material. send it please.
I know you do, old man. But unfortunately, you won't get it since it'd be illegal because I'm not 18! Gotta wait a few months!
Interesting article, though he should've mentioned net neutrality, companies restricting bandwith, not offering available superior technologoy etc. I'd be surprised if Obama / McCain didn't have at least a policy published covering net neutrality (both will have a Senate voting record)

QuoteSome voted “other” (7.4%), although the poll didn’t really mention any other candidates

Like near every poll published ;) Nader & Barr being the obvious, though IIRC there's fifteen (?) contesting.
tbh it was a pretty dud article if he really wanted to find out the initial question.

He didn't mention any of the senator's actual policies.

Obama has also actually come out and said that the US needs to stop their children "watching tv, playing on video games and go outside"

Although it got played up as "obama is against games" I think it was more so just trying to say that they don't exercise enough :P but you get what I mean when the article didn't really cover much ground.

Obama has also toned down his pro net neutrality speak as soon as Biden was picked as Biden is supposedly quite linked to companies wanting more protection of IP.

McCain isn't exactly any better though as he's come out and said he doesn't want the government involved in any sort of internet regulation which would rule net neutrality out.
Polls on gaming sites and polls amongst young ppl are generally not rly worth looking at at all tbh. As most fill in polls in a social acceptable way, and on this topic especially you can't expect the average user to make a well considered choice. For one most of the voters aren't even at the voting age and most of them have got absolutely no clue about the points both senators stand for, as this matter doesn't live nearly as much here as it does in the actual country...
Therefor i think it's of no social importance whatsoever and in no way a true reflection of what people think.
Heh I never claimed it did, just justifying why 'Other' was used 'n not all the candidates listed. I take real national polls with a pinch of salt (question defines the answer / demographic breakdown) anyways :p

Though there’s been no recent check that I’m aware of, IIRC most Crossfire users (believe it or not) are of a voting age. I guess anecdotally CC events would show that too…

‘n I’d take issue with users ignorance. No factual basis to ground this in, and their interest in US politics aside, I’d say the userbase of Crossfire, as the point was made by Adacore elsewhere the other day, is generally of a reasonable intellect - *probably* higher than average.

And it very much does effect us. To stay on the original articles topic, isn’t the internet ‘based’ in the US? I remember seeing some show about google, clouds ‘n such. Ignoring the foreign policiy, taxation, interest rates, value of currency, protectionist policies, fundamentalist moral christian values forced onto charities etc etc ad nauseum
Quote Then again, the comments on the poll suggest that most of those polled are not from the United States anyway, so it really doesn’t represent a relative demographic.

<3 nellie though :)
Hehe, interesting read :)
ohplz, thinking about which candidate would be the best for gamers:D!!!!!! LMFAO
You vote for things that are relevant to your life.

If you work a 9-5 job in the oil industry, you may be concerned with income tax levels, taxes on oil companies and other legislation affecting oil production and use, such as allowing offshore drilling.

It's a pretty direct comparison to look at the people whose livelihood (or, at the least, a major hobby) is gaming. Legislation banning/restricting games where you kill people with guns (so all FPS games) in the US could have a profound impact on everyone involved in the competitive gaming community, and could well put some people (gamers, shoutcasters, event organisers) out of work. Quite aside from this, even if it is just a hobby, it could wreck what is (and as sad as it may sound, there is no denying this) one of the most important aspects of our lives as competitive gamers.

So yes, I think voting based on their stance on gaming issues is fine, and would be a great engaging example of relevant politics to the youth vote.
I dont think gaming is life for so many, and even so, if you take it away, I highly doubt they'll kill themselves as their life was taken from them. and all in all, this is just very extreme example. who cares if u cant legally play games where u can see blood, if u want to play them, u play them anyway.
aspect =! entire

A sport, a hobby - it's sad that even some gamers can't get past the negative perceptions.
For crossfire users (and, more generally, for people involved in competitive gaming), there are five main areas where legislation could impact our lives that I can see being relevant to most: education; drink/drugs; sex (and related areas such as contraception and abortion); the environment; and computers (with a focus on gaming).

Areas such as taxation aren't relevant to most as they're not high earners. The economy is less important - we don't have pensions, houses or stocks and shares. Healthcare too is less relevant to us, as we are generally young and unlikely to require it.

Other areas, such as military and war related concerns, probably don't have much of an age split and may or may not influence our choices (I know that they'd influence mine).

Most people, however, are pretty selfish creatures and I think the four issues mentioned in the first paragraph are those most likely to resonate with the average competitive gamer. Now I'm not saying that's a large number of people in the grand scheme of things, but that's not what this article (or democracy in general) is meant to be about.

As nellie says, this isn't about mass suicide, but reasonable personal opine. For most of us, gaming is a sport with an importance akin to soccer (in europe). Imagine the response to legislation on soccer when you think about legislation on gaming - the community may be much smaller, and thus the reaction would have a far smaller political effect, but the effect on us, as gamers, would be similar.
It's still a piece of freedom to play what you want. In Germany some politicians wanted to make every single FPS player a criminal by just virtual killing of people. They wanted to forbid adult persons to play a videogame in their spare time. You seem to not rate 'gaming' so high in your life, but when it comes to your personal rights then it's another case isn't it?
of course its just retarded to deny people from playing such games, but in the end, what does it matter? and yeah, you're right, gaming isnt so important to me as it might be for many else.
uhh i could name some :D
just watch out @ xfire !
Be happy to not life in Germany.
I think the key thing here is that the voters are europeans, not that they're gamers, and Obama enjoys massive support in the European populace in general, especially among the young (another category in which most respondants fall).

I'd like to think that Obama would be better for gamers if only because he actually knows how to use a computer and won't have to rely on aides with agendas to inform him on relevant issues as much as McCain would.
To be honest I dont think it really matters who is elected. Computer/Console games are always going to be used as a political scapegoat for the problems in different countries societies.
Not always. It's been rock music and movies in the past - they'll find something new to scapegoat eventually.
next thing will be real life!
tbh i didn't think how my voted could effect gaming in anyway when i voted for obama, so im not really getting this interview...
I love forums where people use signatures that are 10X bigger than the actual content of the post. They are awesome. I also get off on off-topic posts (this one for example).
I think that the comments of Adacore, involving this debate, are more interesting than the article itself ;-)
i think everyone voted for obama because they do not want another George bush as president. they want someone who tries to pretend the war + obama is black -> kewl
It should probably also be noted that this isn't actually a huge shock result in the youth demograpihic - using aggregated numbers (from back in August), Obama is up 30 points in the youth vote in the US, and his general trend over all voters since then has improved from about +2 to about +7.
I heard redeye collapsed at i35 or something? :S
nice read !
I made a journal a month ago with the same question and nellie gets all the credits? OMFG!
fo already with those american elections
i never ever saw that the cf community wrote so much in ONE comment.
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