Clanbase in recession!

Clanbase awakes this morning to a recession! Thats right, for the 4th Quarter of 2005 Clanbase heads in WITHOUT Netherlands Cash!

Cash took over as ET Gamesup & EC Head admin when previous admin Israel Spirit was fired. Since then he has steadied the ship along with his first mate Wales Angrykid and navigator Spain Done, and the group did a sterling job with last seasons Eurocup!

However, with Cash taking a new position in coverage with both Clanbase and the GGL, PLUS his recent beer destroying accident at the Eurocup Lan finals, the time has come for Cash to resign from his position within the ET crew!
Cash did a fine job plugging the holes in a sinking CB ET ship and secured his reputation alongside Kajab and Lake as some of ET's finest head admins!

Speculation is rife as to who could replace Cash for the position of Game Sup, with Wales AngryKid declaring that he is NOT interested in the position, that leaves Spain Done in the front seat. However recently appointed United Kingdom Adacore might have the left wing vote, and the two may yet fight it out!

Thank You & Good Luck to Cash in his future efforts, I'm sure we have not heard the last of the bald dutchman just yet! Especially as he owes me a beer!

In Other Clanbase News:

Belgium Nightraver & Portugal Thalakos have joined the ClanBase ET crew! And seems to have resolved its hosting problems! Now data is being transferred via a webserver and Clanbase has shaken one of its more traditional slurs of having a slow website!
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