Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrade Released!

image: wolf32d
The legendary game that gave birth to all things ID Software and fathered any game you've played that would have brought you to this website has been given a new lease of life!

You can now download the Super Upgrade pack for free. The project that was originally made as an Addon pack has been made publically available for download.

Developers Apogee briefly sold an addon pack for Wolfenstein 3D called "The Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrades" pack. This addon pack contained over 800 new levels for Wolfenstein 3D, a random level generator, and a map editor.

You can download the Super Upgrade Here and just in case you dont have Wolf3D anymore, thats also freely available for download Here

Who needs RTCW 2 when you've got another 800 levels of Wolf3D to play?

Thanks DG
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