EC XVIII: Showdown on Sunday!

image: ecplaypalhua7

After a break, your favorite News poster is back! And back with a vengeance, because this game has all the makings of a historic one! Sunday we will see the likes of the now-named Europe ButtonBashers (former TLR) play it out against Finland Vicious & Evil. Both teams already met before in the Don Baker Cup (News post here) the previous week, where Finland VAE surprisingly managed to take the win in front of all the ETTV viewers. Also, Europe ButtonBashers made another surprising step this week, by leaving the well known organization of United Kingdom TLR in favor of this new MGC for a better participation in future event for the team. Will these events influence this game on any level?

Belgium mAus
Spain Winghaven
Croatia aCoZz
Finland Matias
Latvia Clown
Czech Republic marv
Poland d0kt0r
Belgium dAv1d

Player to watch:
Croatia aCoZz
Vicious & Evil]
Finland lettu
Finland chmpp
Finland twidi
Finland Squall
Finland mikke
Finland Iron

Player to watch:
Finland Squall

Time: 20:00 GMT
Europe ButtonBashers:
image: goldrushvv3
Finland Vicious & Evil:
image: supplyly0


To implement something new, I made a little interview on the game, with a player from both sides instead of the usual statements!

Quote by ButtonBashersovr-Rewolf: It has been a turmoiled week for your team, first losing to VAE, moving of MGC's and now the leaving of your rifle Lightning in exchange for your old teammate aCoZz. In what situation does that bring ButtonBashers now?
bb/Clown: We are excited to play with aCoZz again and we feel we might get more consistent in terms of our performance.
ovr-Rewolf: There is probably some pressure on this game after losing previously to VAE. How did you prepare for this game?
bb/Clown: We didn't prepare in any special way, but i feel like we enter in to this game as underdogs, and i like it!
ovr-Rewolf: I reckon you still would want to take the win though :). What would be the greatest barrier to the team to overcome (in regards to map/opposing players/teamwork)
bb/Clown: I don't know, but i guess our greatest enemy is ourselves, so im not that worried what vae will do or which of their players is better etc. I just hope we can play to our best ability and then it will be fine.
ovr-Rewolf: Let's certainly hope so :). Thanks for your time Clown and GL with the game!

Quote by Vicious and Evilovr-Rewolf: Well lettu, it has been a very good week for VAE, beating both TLR and Mamut in a row. Are you in the same shape for this game?
vae-lettu: Its really even among top teams and anyone can win depending on day and maps, but we havent pracced much lately so that may hinder our performance a bit.
ovr-Rewolf: Besides your own performance, what could hinder you the most in getting the victory here?
vae-lettu: Being really motivated and fired up helps alot so lack of that i guess. Also if we get raped at first map its gonna be alot more difficult to win the second.
ovr-Rewolf: What in the opposing team is the most challening thing for you to overcome (players, map, gameplay)?
vae-lettu: Their experience is a big factor and ofcourse mAus and his aim. Maps also atleast Goldrush (if they pick it) we have had some problems with our defence tactics and are not that confident about them working + that is BB's strongest map probably.
ovr-Rewolf: Let's still hope you can give your best :). Thanks lettu for your time and GL with the game!

Secret Statement by Adacore[/b]]
Quote by AdacoreTLR will pick gold - they'd be idiots not to imo. They already used bremen vs overload and their other good maps, supply and radar, are VAE's strongest maps; delivery and adler are just too lotto. That leaves gold. Plus they're going to meet a FF team in the WB final, if they win, which has gold as their homemap, so they'll want to save supply for that.

VAE is a harder call - depends how confident they're feeling. Their best map, as I said above, is supply, but I don't think they're brave enough to take that vs TLR, so they'll probably pick bremen. They can't take radar because they already used it vs mamut, and as above delivery and adler are too lotto, so they won't pick them unless they're really scared, which they have no reason to be. Choosing gold would be crazy as it's TLR's best map, although there is an argument for it if they really don't like bremen, as it would mean they would be free to take supply in the WB final vs FF.


Europe ButtonBashers had a very shocking week, with first losing to Finland VAE already in the Don Baker Cup and after that, leaving the United Kingdom TLR organization in favor of another MGC and now also the leaving of Netherlands Lightning. It is the question whether they can get a hold on themselves again and make a lockdown on this game.Finland Vicious & Evil had a very well going week on the other hand. First taking out United Kingdom TLR in the Don Baker Cup, they also overtook Slovenia Mamut in the previous round. It seems like the fruits of their practice games are finally coming back into the games which really matter, like they always stated. For them, it will be most important to get a hold on that positive flow which they are in now and take full advantage of it.
The maps are as of yet, unknown or secret, so hard to predict anything there. Half of the maps (Bremen and Goldrush) are in favor for Europe ButtonBashers but with Radar and Supply for Finland VAE its gonna be hard. The remaining maps (Adler and Delivery) are more of lotto maps which both teams would not want to risk playing on, unless necessary.

Both Line Ups feature players who are equally experienced and skilled, all filling respective roles within the teams. Some might say that Europe ButtonBashers have an advantage seeing their previous results and achievements, but Finland VAE have already proven that they can do it once, so why not twice.
It will all come down to the first map and the performance set by both teams there. The one who takes the advantage there, makes a clear step to the victory in the end of what will be a hard-fought battle. All in all, I see this game being one of the most exciting ones to be played this EC, especially seeing the previous result booked by both teams and the given grudge in this match by people. It will be Europe ButtonBashers rising up to the call and avenge their latest loss with a score of 4-2 to go on.

Odds: Europe ButtonBashers 1.53 vs Finland VAE 2.89
image: game7477
Need shoutcast.

Toss? Mistaken? Mashed (dead)?

mistakens pro computer has been getting errors for PB since I installed cod5, sends my comp toa blue screen and it "uploads crash info" somewhere. AWESOME.
I'll whinespam you even if you don't sign up because I love you too much
This time election is not an excuse, so better be here!
delete all PnkBstrK.sys, apart from the one in /system32/drivers
I hear a blue screen error in diablo 2 predicts the diablo 3 release date as 09/09/09... :O zomg eh? maybe you know when rtcw2 is coming out?
Last banner was nicer :D
but nice job on the text
Blame Scotland sean for that!

Also, maybe include the map prediction adacore made? (It's at gtv)
Click Secret Statement from Adacore ;)
Did you just edit that in or are my eyes letting me down again? :P
Only Bolted it :)
Couldn't be arsed making a better one tonight :P
gonna be interesting
ur "player to watch" is really useless.
If you think you can do better, be my guest.
i mean every player decide himself who to watch, there is no point to write smth like "player to watch..."
Never seen guys on ETTV asking 'who to follow'?
sure but not when tlr or vae play
Maybe add a little explanation why they are the player to watch, like "it's his first match with them in a long time and how well he integrates in the team could be the difference between a win or a loss" or something like that :)
marv :o easy for bb =)
toss should shoutcast this
aCoZz back in TLR? ok, TLR is unbeatable now..
no wisiek no hax :D hehe. how a u wizhik?
heheh I am fine thank you :) and u ?
im fine. polaks are my friends coz i get called polak too :D
why's lightning out of the team?
gl clown + matias :)
gL v&e and squalliii the u|k pwner
darrapelit, gl
39 astetta kuumetta :<
mut teil on nyt jo 3 oikeesti kovaa pelaajaa ja se riittää :(
(ps gtfo with those warning points)
Player to watch:
Czech Republicmarv , ofc.
my money on clown and matti, as usual =o gl!
Czech Republic marv ? doubt that :x
don't act like you know him
shouldnt you be asslicking and fanboying Netherlands Lun4t1C at this time !
image: img_6f869895370241ea0ab3cf34e400a655
image: lg-bullshit

I just said I respected him !
no lightning :( aaah... still gl
player to watch:
player to watch: chmpp!
true, hope ill see some 6men airstrikes again
think lightning was stronger
ez bash for Juris !!!
no lightning no win imo

no lightning - no win
Amazing piece of art there in the banner!
vila&killerboy, spec carefully!
hilarious banner
what happened to lightning?
god, you could've just used green text on a pink background, even that would look better!

and cu@next round
god can do whatever he likes, whenever he wants!!! PRAISE THE LORD
n1ce game gg
where is butchji
All this is really interesting ...

image: Sleeping-Bear
image: sleeping_in_the_park_01
image: kangaroo-sleeping
image: istockphoto_4869965-sleeping-seal
what a shity logo :D
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