Warleagues announces new Season!

image: wlbannerzq6

Warleagues is organising ET season XI.
We wanna make this season big succes but then we need your help.

- 6v6
- signups open on monday 17 november and close on 27 november
- groups will be online friday right after
- first matchweek should start on sunday 30 november .

Only one member needs to create a clan, others need to join it.
The one who creates the clan, is the teamleader.

- Austria wl|godfragger
- Belgium wl|sylvester
- Anonymous you?

We are also asking to help us out with all the work. We have a shortage on admins for the ET section.
If you wanna apply for it, join on irc and talk with wl|godfragger.
mIRC: #warleagues

For more info check www.warleagues.com
grtz wl|sylvester and wl|godfragger
need team
med+ skill
paly with me
I'd love to <3
Thanks for showing me my tiny error <3
going the wrong way
gl godfragger and sylvester
ofc, when i cant play ET lots of tournaments :C
why is your site so rediculously slow compared to any other site on the internet
bluediculous isn't it?
oh noes grammar police caught me!

image: grammar-nazi
That's grammtastic!
whose and who's missing :c
gl ! There is still a final in the previous league?
yes, previous season will be finished with a final :)

but we have to make on moving, orders from the big chief ;)
If I want to become an admin, what do you expect of the new admins ? What do they have to do..
Where's the cod4 league? :/
will maybe be a cod5 league, depends, we are still discussing about that part since cod4 last time had not enough signups... but maybe it was a promote problem, i dont know, i wasnt in it from the start.
if you think cod4 is a succes, ask godfragger, promote it, ask clans, if you get at least 16 teams toghether, that would be great but then we only need some admins to run the league.
It is definately a promotional problem, I had no idea that there had been signup for a season. I'm pretty sure that there are a great deal of old RTCW and ET players, playing CoD4, who would be interested in it.

I have thought about applying for CoD4 supervisor, but my experience as former WL ET supervisor, advices me not to ;)
Nice cup/league, good luck. We will surely sign up :)

Alos there's no Zeku so I hope you won't f**k up my team this time ! :D
already won it
too old 2 recall ;<
hopefully this season wont fail like the last two.....but i feel it will.
Also the site is the worst site to visit ever...Its so annoying, design is crap and its slow as fuck.

And we said we would play last Thursday, 2 whole months or more since last game, and some tard admin gave def win to oppos.

WL was good in the old days, but it truly sux ass now.
that English is epic fail
WL is a joke
site still takes 10times longer than CB does, and it gives eye cancer
i need a team med+ skill :O
every1 is med+ lul :D nerds
your site has always sucked :D
gl in this season though!
vArgen and jihadii wants to play!
#accurate aka #team-illusion will participate
where is zeku :(
u r zeku ?!


- wl|godfragger
- wl|sylvester
- you?

dont see zeku there
need a highskilled team - pm me
search a skilled (med+high) team only for this league , no praccs nstuff , just warleagues^^
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