Call of Duty:World at War Patch 1.1

image: 20qxu9e

After the game got released in the United States of America US today, it was just a matter of time till the first patch would be out.

So here we go! The 317mb big patch features a huge amount of bugfixes, which can be found in the changelog.

Short description of the changes:
*Mods are now enabled in Co-op, Single Player, and Multiplayer.
*Players will now be notified when a new patch is available.
*Improvements for SLI support.
*G_Spawn: no free entities crash has been fixed.
*Server no longer runs out of script variables.
*License key is no longer required to run a Dedicated Server.
*A Dedicated Server can now be started from the Command Line via Remote Desktop Connection.
*Various fixes in Server Browser.
*Players will no longer see multiple friend invites from the same friends.
*When a player calls in a recon plane in a Hardcore match, the HUD will properly appear.
*Clan Tags will now display in game where appropriate.
*Map holes fixed
*Spawn improvements and weapon balancing

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Great job! Not.

well here is a cat pic to please u !

image: funny-pictures-like-father-like-son-cats
I was referring to developers, but nice pix, ty!
n1... noor
"G_Spawn: no free entities crash has been fixed."
finally :-)
that fixes should be in release rofl
rofl released today and already a new patch 8D bullshit game 8D
Welcome to the wonderful world of the release-day patch. It's pretty standard - developers get the game to a stage where they can fix the remaining bugs by release day, publish in that state and then release a patch with the fixes.
ye i know it's just poor :S
I don't really mind these days, in general - most people have broadband connections, so getting patches isn't a problem. However, there's a major problem in this case - "Players will now be notified when a new patch is available." - that means most people may not even realise they CAN patch.
why downloading a patch on release day? that is ridiclious
What's wrong with that?
mhh i think it is not okay to sell a game that isn't finished... it's like i buy a book with 300 sites but only 150 are writen down...
You are right, games used to be like that as well. However back in the past multiplayer did not play a large role.I think in general the multiplayer side of a game is seen as a service, which means maintenance is required from time to time. In this patch only the first three elements in the list affect the game other than the MP for example.

While I would prefer a game which was 100% finished out of the box, I am happy Treyarch spends time on making these patches. The question they probably asked themselves is "Are these issues big enough to delay the game".

It also has to do with the way games are developed. A lot of the fixes in this patch were suggested in the public beta. Developers don't risk bringing out public beta's of a game which is far from finished, because negative experiences lead to less sales. This is an issue with how players look at beta's. So what the developer wants is to release an open beta once the product is already finished. This also means they can let the game disks and media be produced, while the developer can focus on getting the feedback from the community organized. Once they get feedback from the community they can start working on patches.

You can also ask why these issues were not found during regular QA tests. I have no answer to that.
*Players will now be notified when a new patch is available.

This should have already been in there. rofl
Wonder what weapon balancing has been done?
it will be a nice game.
much better then cod4.
so come and and get some!
terrible game
@ tactics: rifles and now stronger and i hope equal to smgs just like in cod2 :)
cause beta was a pretty smgonly based version
really nice!
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