Don Baker GCRC Week 4

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Up until this point we've taken somewhat of a relaxed approach to teams getting their matches in. With CC5 right around the corner the time has come to apply some pressure. On the one hand I don't want to force a team to play a time & date that may not be optimal for them but at the same time we cannot have this drag on forever. The winners bracket is at a point where it can not advance until the losers bracket catches up.

We appreciate your cooperation in these matters & hope to get these matches moved along as quickly as possible. If any teams have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me as I'm easy to find.

IRC: #evilterrtory
xfire: gdevol
email:[email protected]

Lastly I need someone from Button Bashers / TLR to contact me concerning updating team info.

Click here to view full bracket

Round 1 Losers Bracket

Europe TFG vs 8b1ts FiFr Europe

Winner advances to play Belgium 8b1ts FiFg


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Round 2 Losers Bracket

Belgium 8b1ts FiFy vs NET United States of America

Winner advances to play United States of America excel


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Rumor is the TFG vs 8b1ts FiFr match is supposed to go down sometime Thursday. If that match & the 8b1ts FiFy vs NET match happen before this weekend we could possibly get the next couple of rounds in over the weekend with 8Bits Green, TLR (BB), excel & VAE in the wait. It would really be great if we could atleast get up to the VAE match by the end of the weekend.

There still seems to be some issue over NA vs EU server usage. As I have stated before I have no EU servers & only one team submitted a PBBans streaming server for use. However since then we have made some strides to help with this issue. 8bits has set up an approved server. Also I have made an agreement with gamesTV that suffices me. Any EU team that does not have an approved server may contact them for server usage. I will not make that arrangement, it is up to the team.

For matches that are EU vs NA & there is an EU server available, first map will be played on NA server with the 2nd map being played on the EU server & in the event of a tiebreaker, a coinflip will decide server. This is the only way I can see to be as fair as possible about it. I know this method screws with ETTV coverage but my priority is to the teams first coverage 2nd.

Thanks again to all the teams for the participation & co-operation in this event.
Nicely done zombie! Good luck to all the teams, and I'm quite eager to see FG vs. 8bits on Secret Weapon :O

EDIT: By the way, both of the matchlinks link to 8Bits vs Internet, so the first URL needs fixing :X
ya I noticed that right off, already fixed.
Secret Weapon !!
The American server where we played on was not that laggy as I expected (think it was ETL 1 server)

We can play the match tommorrow 21.00cet already if internet agrees and responds!
ya NET lives to scrim, it's all they do so you should have no probs hooking up with them.I'll make sure Larky sees the comms as soon as I see him.
Secret Weapon ;ooo
A map not as ugly as goldrush .
hurry up with the lowerbracket alrdy :D
blame ur fatgames friends !
I'm sorry are we holding you up, we're so inconsiderate :(
Afraid of your incoming loss against FiF red? :P
no point being afraid of it, its obviously going to happen
GL to all teams, winners and loser
you should realy rename "losers bracket" to "lower bracket" cause there are no losers in chairity
nice work evil!

great cup so far and good coverage ;) looking forward to the next matches
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