Challenge Cup 2 - the essence

image: challenge_cup2Challenge Cup 2 preparations are coming to an end. In recent days we have set a final maplist and introduced necessary config alterations – in order to let the teams present their actual teamplay. Here is the official mappool:

- Adlernest
- Battery
- Braundorf_b4
- Frostbite
- Supply depot 2
- xxx

Some can ask what xxx means. Of course it’s not a name of the map. It is a secret map that won’t be revealed yet. We are going to present it before the group phase kick-off or just after the end of qualifications.

The second important matter is the config. Obviously, it is based on the ClanBase and Warleagues ones, but we introduced some modifications.

- mines amount has been reduced from 5 to 3! It should make the game more attractive and less predictable than it was before.
- soldier will only be able to use mortar (panzerfaust, flamethrower and mg have been disabled). We would like to minimize respawn camping and killing 3-4 players at the same time and, as a result, give players more action and direct wars showing their skills.
- respawn times have been reduced by 4 seconds. Thanks to this alteration it will be impossible to predict enemy’s spawn time which will make spawn camping less effective. It will speed up the game as well.

The cup is almost here, but what would be the new config if not immensely tested? So there comes a showmatch! Two great teams – Poland Polewka and Europe Northern Darkness (Goliath) will fight one another and test Challenge Cup 2 config. The atmosphere seems to be hot, so don’t wait and book upcoming Wednesday at 21:00 CET. See both teams in action! The match will be shoutcasted by Poland #Pr3dS.Radio.

Remember: visit us at #challenge-cup and follow showmatch ETTV servers!
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