ESL Instant Fall Cup #20

image: fallbuttonThe Instant Fall Cup Series is close to its end. This is the 20th and last edition of that series before the ESL ET Winter League will start next week. Once again you have the chance to get an advantage in the groupstage seedings by playing in this cup. Read on for all details!
Suprise, Suprise! The Crossfire Challenge 5 mappool (look below) will be used again.

Our last 1dayCup gave us following results, which are listed below.
The match can be watched with GamesTV's function "Replay On Demand" -> right here.

Portugal don't care
Europe re-play
Finland turbo

Final Bracket

Use this cup for warmup purposes for the evening!
Detailed information of the 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #19 as follows:

Date: Sunday, 23rd November 2008 17:00 CET

Signup: Here & Checkin between 16:30 - 16:40 CET (Late signups possible from 16.40 CET)
Slots: 16 + confirm your slot 30 mins before the cup starts
Modus: Single Elimination (without looserbracket), 1 map => 2 rounds, forced maps
Mappool: sw_goldrush_te, bremen_b2, supply, radar, adlernest, frostbite, sp_delivery_te (Get it!)
Config: New ESL 6on6 config (Get it!)

  • Stopwatch mode
  • If both teams did a fullhold, callvote cointoss and eliminate maps. Cointoss winner starts to eliminate.
  • If teams can't agree who attacks first, make a cointoss vote
  • For entering results, qry an admin in
  • Spectators are allowed only if both teams agree.
  • Mercs are disallowed!
  • Do not forget to take demos of each match!
  • If both teams don't have a server, ESL will provide one (hosted in Germany Germany United Kingdom or UK)
  • Detailed rules you can find here!


Pay attention to the Check In System 30 mins before cupstart!
If you have problems with the sign up or registering to ESL,
feel free to contact an Admin via IRC: @quakenet or have a look at the Starter Guid.

gl to all teams
read instant fail:/
getting old over time
thought it was new:\
i blame w3st for picking adlernest
"last edition"

what should i do on sunday afternoon then? :(
playing winter cup series :D
den guten, alten i-want-to-get-high-shit
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