5 Phat guys, 1 Phat site and 2 Phat lans!

image: 28jwrvdTeam FatGames is proud to announce the launch of its new website.
"Our intention was to develop a platform which would put focus on the team in all its aspects but at the same time function as a community website, with focus on the scenes we are active in. We will therefore keep implementing Web 2.0 functionality to ensure the possibility of community interaction. We're looking forward to the upcoming Lans and tournaments, as well as cooperation with organizations such as differo and fps radio."

Please bear in mind that things might not work perfectly in the beginning, if you experience any problems with this website, please send a report!


Furthermore, Team FatGames are happy to announce their new CoD4 team which will attend The Gameland in Rome, Italy and we will hopefully see them bringing back the gold. They will be playing among 4000 other participants with a total prize pool of 80.000€.

The new CoD4 team has the following lineup:

Manager: United Kingdom Munchies

United Kingdom JUSZN
United Kingdom killzx
United Kingdom duffeR
United Kingdom D1ablo
United Kingdom nreo

The team consists of ex-Team Coolermaster duo killzx and duffeR, highly rated player nreo (former h2o, Reason Gaming and for a time, Dignitas), ex-Meet Your Makers D1ablo, and former Reason Gaming and TLR dynamo JUSZN.

Statement FatGames JUSZN:

QuoteComing off the TLR Fail Train, we reverted back to exabyte whilst I tweaked the lineup. Nreo had been playing with us for a little while now, and who better to compliment his rushing style of play, none other than D1ablo. With a rather impressive smg lineup we're looking to begin training for the upcoming lans and hopefully do some damage.

About The Gameland:

QuoteIt's the most important event in Italy, fully dedicated to the video games and multimedia industry.

It's the greatest console video games tournament ever realized for number of participants (more than 4.000 players from all over the world) and size of the prize pool: 210 consoles, placed on a 3.300 square meters surface, which release their power on 210 LCD HD Tvs, these will be the instruments used by the players' learned hands in order to conquer the huge 80.000 euros prize pool.

Following on from that event both the FatGames teams (ET and CoD4) will be present at the CC5 Lan in Enschede, The Netherlands


gl guys
title courtesy of eVo!
and editing :D
that is a molecular correctness!
really nice lu gl
very nice!
good luck guys :)
nice read krosan =)
news: ET? :E
gl D1ablo btw!
hoi atarax
Fun snow eh!
you`ve stolen our website ;D we were in contact with the designer..but as you can see we were just 2 days too alte ;:(
we had to send out some cease and desist letters to a couple lowlifes who ripped the design :s
nevertheless, the designer still got some other nice designs on his deviantart...
checked all his others..but no design as good as this one ;D
you like the blue more than the brown?
mh equal...we would have taken it in red ;)
the blue one on deviantart was much better then yours now
We'll change the colours a bit in the next version, we're not too happy about the brown either.

It's a matter of taste but FG is supposed to be orange, not brown :P

(and not too fnatic either)
Hey good luck guys and that's a really nice clan page. Very clean and simple.
If u click on clan; enemy territory is spelled(or spelt) wrong :<

thx :)

damn designer :P
only mistake I could see
nice site :)
gl munchies

hf diablo :]
nice site :))
Woo nice :D
its too bright:s, change the text colour to black imo
Nice Site :)
omg D1ablo omg

omg D1ablo omg

Looks promising, good luck and c u @ EC XIX?
Reallly nice site
theres a bug in ur site !

if u click or select the cod team, and wish to change player, the pic stays, info changes ...

the pic should change 2 imo xD
This is because there are no images uploaded of the player atm.
we'll take pictures on cc5 and gameland ;)
n1 krosan, gl
Would like to thank everyone associated with getting this online, i deeply thank everyone involved and obviously without everyones input this would have been another idea in the realm of the cerebral cortex.
ok konfoukie :D
stop faking to be german!!!!!!!
lol d1ablo, n1
Remember lads!
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
I dont love the site, but I do love d1ablo, so that makes up for it? HE ONLY WENT A DROPPED A FUCKING FORTY!!
Any suggestions what to improve?
The design is way too spacious and lots of things are quite blurry.
Quick caveat, in ie so these things might already be there in ff!

As Mr T says way too spacious.
The news layout of the main holding page needs fixing
You've a big black space bottom left hand side beneath the Coverage section, fill it with something or add readmore tags to the news & lock the main page in with the bottom of Coverage
The watermarks / faded images are irritating - especially in the 'Specials' section of the main page
Latest News & Latest Results should be a link
In latest results, the ET / CoD4 logos should link to all ET / CoD4 results
"More?" in the Place a comment field is a dud link
There's no uniformity to the layout of the boxes, maybe intentional so we're on personal preference ground now, but I'd suggest a more fixed layout - especially with the forums, they look out of place.
Change the gender image, it looks terrible http://www.team-fatgames.eu/v2/users/12/Steve-Micallef/toxic.html

The engrish intentional?

"An email is send to you Nellie the Elephant"
Coverages -> Coverage
"You, or someone pretending to be you, has registerd at Team Fatgames website. The account still needs to get 'be' activated"

That's a start, there's loads more.
Go for the jugular why dont you? You beat hartlepool and suddenly you're a killer. Shocking! :P
He passes like Jazinho
He shoots like Ronaldinho
He's better than Robinho
Its fabulous Fabian Delph
thx :)

keep 'em coming!
nice site, the 'back to top' buttons don't work here though (firefox)
All the big mgc's are still at cod4; the maps in cod5 aren't playable, they're huge like battlefield maps; and the promod is a joke!
site is rubbish, i could do better with my eyes closed

well i lie, the idea of it is good, but everything is too blurry (lol @ player pics, and why the hell is that area so big yet only 3 players visible?) - advice, never cut out player images and put them on any colour except white, unless you're going to merge the players in with a funky background and give them a color overlay so they match

and the designer has just thrown fifty different brown gradients in several regtangles making the site look way2big when that design should be compact

too many gradient stokes around the site too

i do wonder what a team with alot of financial backing is doing getting sites like this, if FG management reads this then feel free to contact me if you want your site improved upon for v1.1? I am sure we can arrange something

gl to the team though, dierablo especially

<3 munchies
gl, seems like a pretty nice lineup.
must be highskill
First thing about the design i didn't like was the fading gray text color on white background, makes text hard to read.

Other than that it's ok and looks nice :>
ctrl+F5 on the site, we just changed it :p
Much better now! :>
i had nothing to do with the site you retard and i cant help it if i'm photogenic xD
sounds phat and looks phat
You should have let me proof read it...

Gl tho!
I still have that letter for u :p
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