Winter League kicks off!

image: winterseason_banner

Enemy Territorys biggest competition this winter is ready to start. We will see 200+ teams and 100+ 1on1 players compete in 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6 format. While 3on3 and 6on6 is divided into several divisions the 1on1 competition got a special system due to high signup numbers. But read on for more detailed information on the upcoming!

We opened an ET Winter08 page on the ESL page which will be kept up to date and gives you an overview about what is going on in our Winter League.
Here you can also view the Winter League Rules and Mappool pages.

But here we go with the groups and seedings for which most of you have waited these days:
6on6 Groups
3on3 Groups
1on1 Cupoverview (+ more information on the system)

Match scheduling:
QuoteIf you agree on playing the match before Sunday, both teams have to make confirming match comments / send in a support or protest ticket. Of course you can play without informing the admins but if the opponent will not show up, you have to play on Sunday.
Winter Rules Make sure you checked them. You will find the most important rules, such as schedules, admins etc on there!

Besides this we also partnered up with #differo - Everyone has a story to provide you the best possible coverage!

image: diff2pr1

1st !!1

for premier

ESL power! ;) gl all
Where are all the Czech teams ;o
Wrong cup :<

dont be afraid man, I always have a plan! ;) CZE ESL ET will start kicking soon
Nice :) Something big like EMS would be great again.
Goodluck Kruger in Premier!!

/<ruger for the win!!!
credibilis for the win :)
Gl all =)
Nice :)))
Please don't tell us to play 3on3 and 6on6 matches on the same dates. :<
You can schededule your matches on your own in the gives matchweek afaik.
easy bash for Lazio & re-play zZz !
2teams of each group pass on to the playoffs yes. And there will be a cup which will end in a division winner :)
eim, i think shitty forgot to sign us up anychance of being added? :/
I queryd him day by day on IRC to not forget it but as it seems he did. I doubt it will be still possible but he should contact ESL|Sn4kE in irc pls
I tried to sign up but I couldn't as you guys didn't update your pb & ETpro guids. Soz, next time try to listen instead of making a joke of anything I say, RETARD.
GL in 2nd div
Could you put 3o3 and 6o6 matches different time on sunday, since we have only 8 players and we have 3o3 and 6o6 match at same time. 8B And sametimes you can't contact to opponent ( they might not be avi or same sort of stuff)
I agree, shit system to force it same time
we will fix it :)
Tranix makes his Premier Debut :)
Nice groups, gj =)
esl rocks!
gl 7ele!
nice, can't wait till it starts:>
Where the fuck do I signup, stupid website!

e: seriously this is to retarted, I just get send back to the same page doesn't matter what I do GAYSITE :'<

e2: signups are closed or smth >? ;p

e3: fuck esl, I give up (Just like the other 10 times I wanted to do something on esl xD)
signups closed on friday night. we had 3 news on crossfire with direct links to sign up for the winter league (you just had to select your team and click on "yes").
so, even if the page should be too complicated for you, it was not impossible to join the winter league (116 6on6 teams, 100 3on3 teams and 100 players had no problems xD)
I always had trouble with the esl website, but ok :p
does not change anything at the fact that this had nothing to do with the ESL page
but that also dosen't change the fact that the website sux, and you have to go threw stupid steps to sign up.
you only need to get used to the page. It is big and complex due to the fact that its the biggest league (atleast EU). You have similar problems when starting at other pages such as clanbase or any other league site that has comparable big competitions.
Though tell me which of these steps is stupid:
- load the webpage in your browser
- choose the team to sign up with
- click sign up
(- rate your team via ticket [optionally])

Ofc you need to add your guids and similar to your profile but we do not need to argue about the sense of it.
I understand the guid part, but i can't understand why a player can only be in one team. It took us 10mins to realize who the player with a second clan was and he wasnt even supose to play with us. We had to kick him before we could sing up and there was no reason for that.
well if you imagine that there are some serious business leagues as the pro series which use the ESL system all the things like barred due to new_member in team (10days) , being in 2teams which are in the same league etc etc becomes very important.
Due to this we have a system which will not accept any status that CAN generate a rule break (playing for 2teams in one cup) or similar. Ofc this gives some problems from time to time but its just a cover in the end.
Parent there still any possibility to swap leagues ?
we (illusion) are placed in the 3rd league.
At clanbase premier we made it to the quarter final which we lost due to a no-show so...
what means this C2 or D3 ? :S
bot teams / placeholders - the matches will be forefited for your team and it gives you one free week
ahh ok thx :)
oO we already won a war, we must really be owning!! :)
nice..also kinda fucked up for you guys ;D
<ESL|eiM> we will try to clarify this
<ESL|eiM> query Sn4kE

so there might be some hope left ;D
you swapped the divison
watch the edit ^^
lol i play against a random polak


np ill win that cup
skrzat :DDD
whats with him
nothing, he has a funny nick name - "dwarf", I smell stable low skill
but he has luck

ive never played an official offi before...

edit. i mean offical 1on1 xd lol
I need to play waldek ( ger ) you know him? :D

nice guy

I GOT 10 POLSKIS IN MY GROUP! and the first polak name is Rozpyk! sounds promissing!
np we should take it :)
i just won spu9 1v1 esl!!1111
i play later hihi
sry but atleast I check some general news/settings about the cups I sign me in... you should have now learned to do so aswell :)
We will still try to get everthing sorted to everyones best. But still you must agree that seeding & grouping around 100teams which did not submit a rating is a hard job which already took us up to 10 hours this weekend.
i did enter a rating right ?
dunno, give me your teams link / ID and I can have a check...
team-Illusion accurate id: 3613906
seems as it has never been stored... though we try to manage all the changes... we will try our best + your wish has been added
this 10days rule is shit... my mates joined the team at weekend just before our signup was confirmed and now first opponent should get forfreit? thats sick


-----> "New Players and Guids can be added before the 1st match without any punishment"
ah, k thx. didnt see that
for fuck sake.. always when its an ESL newspost the links are ALWAYS to the ESL site. Then the site start bitching about changing password.

I fucking hate that site.

Use hide to show the groups here.
1. logout
2. change your password?
Whohohhohohohohohho anyone know the team oLe TeaM an can me say something about this team :D

GL all Teams @ 6on6 Cup =]
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