#ET-Cup #11 Groups announced

Today at 20:00CET, the groups of the 11th ET-Cup have been announced. For all of you who missed it, they are here special for you once again!

- All matches are forced on Wednesday and Sunday at 21:00 CET.
- You are allowed to change the matchdate and matchtime if you need to (you ofc need to get ok from opponent), but only 1 day after or 1 day before the date where it is forced on.
- If you want to change a matchdate / matchtime, contact your opponent and pm the new date/time to an operator in #ET-Cup.
- If you've played a match, you have to pm the result to an admin in #ET-Cup. If we haven't received the result 24 Hours after the match, it will be a double forfeit.

Now the groups, consisting of some interesting clans.

» Group Alpha:
United Kingdom Pillars
Europe angelDust
Europe kojak
Germany advanced Gamers united
Poland deathless
Europe younggunz

» Group Beta:
Europe roYality
Germany pro7
Europe Team-Helix
Russia AD.RUS
France Team dead Zone
Czech Republic Team infrag

» Group Charlie:
Germany Changes
Netherlands Hyperion-Gaming
Netherlands Artificial
Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein
Europe delite6
Finland Team-Hatred

» Group Delta:
Germany demenS
Europe revoke
United Kingdom iStar.uQ
Poland Veni Vidi Vici
Europe addicted6
France Peanuts, Whiskies And Cokes

» Group Echo:
United Kingdom intellic
Europe Metix
Poland dfiance
Poland GOD/asYlum

» Group Foxtrot:
Hungary underscore
Germany #Lucky-Bitches
United Kingdom sFx DuaLity
Europe pstarZ
United Kingdom megalomaniacs
Poland 4FuN Yellow

» Group Golf:
Europe taskforceX: revision 2
Croatia elite
Germany Insane-Teamwork
Poland coltZ
Israel Elementals

» Group Hotel:
Czech Republic Bloody Fuckin Users
Europe fLuency eSports
Europe o'vero?
Europe SyKotic
Poland save me god
Germany No Bullshit

The first match will be on Wednesday 31 May at 21:00 CET. There will be 1 match on ETTV, which one will be decided shortly.

Good luck and Have fun to all participating clans!

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